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 Most off balanced trades over the years in the NHL

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hanley6 Posted - 02/02/2009 : 10:59:17
On August 9, 1988, in a move that heralded significant change in the NHL, the Oilers traded Gretzky, along with McSorley and Krushelnyski, to the Los Angeles Kings for Jimmy Carson, Martin Gelinas, $15 million in cash, and the Kings' first-round draft picks in 1989 (later traded to the New Jersey Devils—New Jersey selected Jason Miller), 1991 (Martin Rucinsky), and 1993 (Nick Stajduhar).

February 28 1999 Calgary Flames traded Theoren Fleury and Chris Dingman to the Colorado Avalanche for Rene Corbet, Wade Belak, Robyn Regehr and Colorado's 2nd round compensatory choice (Jarret Stoll) in 2002.

In trying to force Courtnall to play a tougher brand of hockey, the club actually saw his offensive production decrease in 1987-88. With the Leafs braintrust clearly dissatisfied with their first pick of 1983, it was apparent Courtnall's days in Toronto were numbered. For a long time, head coach John Brophy tried to mold all his players into tough, aggressive fighting types, and players like Courtnall, could not play that way. After just nine games in 1989-89, the Maple Leafs dealt Courtnall to the Montreal Canadiens for John Kordic, who by all accounts was nothing more than a team goon. Most observers felt Montreal got a steal in that trade. And they did.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hanley6 Posted - 02/03/2009 : 15:00:59
Originally posted by Guest7401

The Eric Lindros trade is also one of the worst (Huffman, Hextall, Thibault, Simon Ricci, Duchesne and money)

it's obvious Quebec easily won that deal
Guest7401 Posted - 02/03/2009 : 12:23:38
yes Tom Kurvers was amazing but I was't amazing after that trade

Guest4150 Posted - 02/03/2009 : 12:13:37
Tom Kurvers was amazing!

just1n Posted - 02/03/2009 : 11:44:02
Don't forget the Lindros trade included Peter Forsberg going to Quebec. Some interesting reading on how that trade went down and turned out -

I agree that Mad Mike Milbury was a terrible GM, and I can't say Don Waddell is doing very well in Atlanta either... how he is still there, and how Milbury stayed as GM on the island for so long is beyond me...
Guest7401 Posted - 02/03/2009 : 10:42:23
The trade Jokinen and Luongo from Islanders to Panthers for Parrish and Kvesha is pretty bad...

Almost all Mike Milbury trades were pretty bad

Recently, the trade Zhitnik to atlanta for Brandon Coborn is unbelievable (recall me the trade Tom Kurvers for the 3rd choice overall and New Jersey pick Scott Niedermayer)

The Eric Lindros trade is also one of the worst (Huffman, Hextall, Thibault, Simon Ricci, Duchesne and money)
just1n Posted - 02/03/2009 : 09:59:26
I see the Luongo trade the Dave Nonis pulled off listed here, but there's a couple more very lopsided trades involving the Canucks that come to mind.

1986: Cam Neely was traded to the Boston Bruins along with a draft pick (1st choice, 3rd overall in the 1987 NHL Entry Draft, used to take Glen Wesley) to the Boston Bruins for Barry Pederson.

1996: Markus Naslund was acquired by the Canucks in exchange for Alek Stojanov. Both first round picks I believe, but Stojanov didn't play much after that trade and Naslund would later become an all-star and the Canucks captain.

Both trades among the most lopsided in NHL history for sure. While checking my facts, I found good articles on both of these trades and how they turned out :
hkalirah Posted - 02/03/2009 : 09:41:59
Calgary traded Gilmour along with Jamie Macoun, Ric Nattress, Kent Manderville, and Rick Wamsley in exchange for Gary Leeman, Alexander Godynyuk, Jeff Reese, Michel Petit and Craig Berube from the Leafs

Also it would be unfair not to mention that Kris Draper was traded from Winnipeg to Detroit for $1.

Go Wings Go!
Guest9164 Posted - 02/03/2009 : 09:35:03
December 5, 1995. The Montreal Canadiens trade Patrick Roy and Mike Keane for Martin Rucinsky, Jocelyn Thibault and Andrei Kovalenko. As well all know, Roy would win two Cups with Colorado and Montreal would not even get close to it. trade the best playoff goalie ever for scrap WTF
hanley6 Posted - 02/02/2009 : 20:59:14
Originally posted by Guest9235

Islanders trading for Alexei Yashin. Ottawa was desperate to get rid of him and got chara, a couple other players and some draft picks, one of which was spezz. Im not 100% sure on this 1 so correct me if im wrong

yeah you were right June 23, 2001 Ottawa Senators traded Alexei Yashin to the New York Islanders for Zdeno Chara, Bill Muckalt and 1st round selection (Jason Spezza) in 2001.
Guest9235 Posted - 02/02/2009 : 20:41:44
Islanders trading for Alexei Yashin. Ottawa was desperate to get rid of him and got chara, a couple other players and some draft picks, one of which was spezz. Im not 100% sure on this 1 so correct me if im wrong
Guest6970 Posted - 02/02/2009 : 16:49:29
luongo for bertuzzi, allen and some draft picks

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