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 What would you say to Wayne Gretzky?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
semin-rules Posted - 01/22/2007 : 06:12:44
If you could say one sentence to the great Wayne Gretzky.... what would it be?

I would say " Gretzky you were the best NHL player of all time, but face can't coach"

~~~~~GO STARS~~~~~
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mikhailova Posted - 01/27/2007 : 06:56:11
Hahaha, no offense done IHC, our Olympic hockey team could stand a few improvements
I HATE CROSBY Posted - 01/26/2007 : 23:29:51
Originally posted by bablaboushka

Well I'm pretty sure his comeback to that would be "Are you forgetting who put the 2002 gold medal team together?"

Well I was bound bring it up sometime.......That gold medal is the most over-hyped victory in canadian history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They played Belarus in the semis for god's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!! That Salo let in the worst goal of all- time to basically give canada a free pass to the finals(let's be honest, Belarus didn't deserve to make it that far..they didn't even qualify in 2006).....Canada was average at best in the round robin part. they got smoked by sweedon, and tied czech.....then got an easy trip to the finals thanks to Salo....Then played the mediocre americans in the finals (Sorry Mik hahahahah)...I'm not saying they didn't play well, I'm just saying it wasn't exactly an uphill battle to the gold, it got easier as the tourney went on.....But for us nucks, it worked out well hahahahhaha.

lyall Posted - 01/26/2007 : 22:47:29
I'd probably ask him to endorse my business/product. There is no question wether or not he would do it. Just gotta give him a big enough pay cheque.
leafsfan_101 Posted - 01/25/2007 : 16:33:56
i'd say" Hey, your Cyotes are going fine. Your daughters pretty fine too. Mabye you could introduce me?


~You play to win the Game~ Herm Edwards
Mikhailova Posted - 01/25/2007 : 16:26:11
Originally posted by bablaboushka

Well I'm pretty sure his comeback to that would be "Are you forgetting who put the 2002 gold medal team together?"

OK so he's got one gold and one complete flop-out on his Olympic choosing record. Not consistant
KariyaSelanne Posted - 01/25/2007 : 14:58:49
haha totally

Go Preds Go!!!
bablaboushka Posted - 01/25/2007 : 14:56:17
Well I'm pretty sure his comeback to that would be "Are you forgetting who put the 2002 gold medal team together?"

So you guys would be left with nothing to say but "Babs is a really nice guy, I think he is more than worthy to date your daughter".

Then I would be like "SCOREBOARD".
Mikhailova Posted - 01/25/2007 : 14:41:05
Originally posted by ryschevy1

I'd say "You're not in charge of putting together the 2010 Olympic team are you?"

Let's hope not. His 2006 team came in 6th place. Gretzky, you were the best hockey player of all time, but you can't coach and you can't pick Olympic teams!
ryschevy1 Posted - 01/25/2007 : 13:14:54
I'd say "You're not in charge of putting together the 2010 Olympic team are you?"

GO OIL!!! YA!!!
1 Crosby fan Posted - 01/24/2007 : 19:36:35
Originally posted by bablaboushka

Hook me up with your daughter would ya.

It's cool cause she's actually my age, something to think about...

hahahahahhah LOL
bablaboushka Posted - 01/23/2007 : 19:56:16
Hook me up with your daughter would ya.

It's cool cause she's actually my age, something to think about...
Mikhailova Posted - 01/23/2007 : 17:42:06
Originally posted by Novie

A co-worker had this chance...and didn't know who he was...she's from Australia. Apparently Gretz isn't recognized on the other side of the world....

See? Most of us Americans may not watch hockey but at least we know who Wayne Gretzky is! So before any of you go slammin' us for liking football more, remember, it could be worse...

But I like hockey best, you need not worry, lol

Anyway, what would I say to Gretzky? What semin-rules suggested sounds about right: " Gretzky you were the best NHL player of all time, but face can't coach" That sums it up.
Novie Posted - 01/23/2007 : 17:36:27
A co-worker had this chance...and didn't know who he was...she's from Australia. Apparently Gretz isn't recognized on the other side of the world....

Anyway, she met him at a Flames game when Phoenix was in town...she asked him if he ever played....


I wanted to slap her...

Go Sens
Crosby is God
Tucker is a douche
Just-in-time Posted - 01/23/2007 : 16:37:20
im in on the bikini picture hahaha

Go Jets Go
devilsjetsfan Posted - 01/22/2007 : 14:35:44
i would say, Bring the jets back to Winnipeg!!! haha!

Go Devils Go
KariyaSelanne Posted - 01/22/2007 : 14:29:42
HAHA that would be pretty funny

I would probably ask him what was his best memory in the NHL.

Go Preds Go!!!
Guest9140 Posted - 01/22/2007 : 07:39:35

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