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 Best non-NHL jersey?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
manninm Posted - 04/05/2007 : 07:13:35
Spinning off the best NHL jersey...what non-NHL jersey do you think is the best? Could be amateur, semi-pro, college, or pro.

Personally, I LOVE the Brampton Battalion jerseys. Any jersey that has a base color of Army Green and has chevrons on it gets my vote.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
leafsfan1 Posted - 04/06/2007 : 08:49:24
i like the toronto rock jersey even know i dont watch them that much the jerseys are really cool

Go Leafs Go
PainTrain Posted - 04/06/2007 : 08:31:03
Saskatchewan RoughRider black jersey's, there so nice, not the white and green ones the black ones.
leafsfan_101 Posted - 04/06/2007 : 07:56:25
I love Italy's home and away jerseys(soccer). This may be biased cuz my backround is Italian, but still, great jerseys.

Long Live Leafs Nation!!
Saku Steen Posted - 04/05/2007 : 14:41:28
I like Finland's world jrs. There colors look so cool together. I also like the over seas jerseys except for all the sponsererships on them.
Mikhailova Posted - 04/05/2007 : 14:27:08
I like the University of Minnesota and Wisconsin jerseys, plus I like Russia's national team jersey. And the Moose--love those too
Guest4880 Posted - 04/05/2007 : 08:15:38
Last year's version of the Milwaukee Admirals was terrible!
That's why this year's version is SO much better.
Plus they threw in the throwback Brewers logo for a little something extra.
ED11 Posted - 04/05/2007 : 07:30:54
I love the Mississauga Ice Dogs jerseys. I don't know. I guess it's just the colors. I know that this isn't hockey...but I also really like the Toronto Rock jersey in the NLL.

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