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 Gretzky was a magician (best highlights on net)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Guest9907 Posted - 04/05/2007 : 16:21:30
Aside from the cheesy music, everything after the 3 minute mark is a treat to watch. And the stuff during 'Where the Streets Have No Name' is great too. Gretzky twirling, behind the back passes, holding the puck, holding the puck....even behind the back goals! If the link doesn't work, just type in, 'The Wayne Gretzky Show' at google.

There's a couple of times where Gretzky just defies logic....fake slapshot passes to nobody for a goal...spinarama goals from the goal line...things like that....He even turns the Canucks of 1997 into a freakish cartoon at one point, putting everyone on the backs, Kirk McLean included...pure gold!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
willus3 Posted - 04/05/2007 : 19:14:18
Wow I think I just watched all 800 of his goals. The through the legs pass was very nice. Though I have to say if I was the defenseman when he scored that empty netter and celebrated like a fool (I don't care if it was a record or not) I would have grabbed him by the joffa and knocked a few of those pearly chiclets out.
Lots of pretty plays though.
Leafs Rock Planet Posted - 04/05/2007 : 18:15:59
Some of those moves I just couldnt believe. They were crazy!

Leafs 4 Playoffs!!

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