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 Great Gretzky

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pucker Posted - 12/29/2005 : 11:21:39
Not only is he the greatest player to ever strap on a pair of skates, but it is looking like he could one day challenge the likes of Scotty Bowman as one of the greatest coaches. He made his return last night and the Coyotes who were not faring so well without him, beat the red hot Sharks 5-4. If anyone can do it, Wayne can.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
leigh Posted - 12/30/2005 : 20:49:47
No kidding. Wayne was by far the "greatest player" but "greatest coach" is a long, long ways off. Like Wayne, let's give Scotty his credit, his record is likely never to be accomplished again, and if so, it will take a 25+ year career to do it.
bablaboushka Posted - 12/30/2005 : 16:53:54
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, he's only coached about 30 games. We'll see after a few years how he's doing. Not taking anything away from him, but a lot of coaches start off well.
pucker Posted - 12/30/2005 : 10:01:23
Not only is he going to be a great coach, but look at his GM skills with team Canada. If Canada takes the gold again I can see Gretzky considering the dual role of Coach/GM.

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