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 peter cajanec

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Guest2110 Posted - 10/28/2007 : 08:55:45
Anyone know the story with him ?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest2151 Posted - 10/29/2007 : 23:12:14
Ty for all the replies, I picked hime like 18 or 19 overall in our season draft :(
And was wondering why the bumb hasn't played yet... And now I know
Mikhailova Posted - 10/28/2007 : 16:57:54
Guest, for the record, his name is Petr Cajanek

Whether in hockey or politics, the Senators have always annoyed me
PuckNuts Posted - 10/28/2007 : 15:27:05
Originally posted by Guest2919

peter cajanec had the career potential of a superstar and the nhl should be embarresed that one of there premier players chose to go to russia rather than paly here

He is 32 with only 4 NHL seasons under his belt.

There were 129 players ahead of him last season.

I fail to see superstar potential here...

I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
- - Marshall McLuhan

fly4apuckguy Posted - 10/28/2007 : 14:33:26
Guest2919, please tell me that was a joke.

Guest2919 Posted - 10/28/2007 : 14:31:21
peter cajanec had the career potential of a superstar and the nhl should be embarresed that one of there premier players chose to go to russia rather than paly here
Guest8815 Posted - 10/28/2007 : 13:57:41
well not bright future but to be a decent player in the NHL.
fly4apuckguy Posted - 10/28/2007 : 13:44:20
Originally posted by Guest8815

That's a shame he was a pretty good NHLer and had a bright future.

I think saying he had a bright future is stretching things a bit, no?

He's 32 years old and in his best NHL season he had 48 points.
Guest8815 Posted - 10/28/2007 : 10:52:39
That's a shame he was a pretty good NHLer and had a bright future.
PuckNuts Posted - 10/28/2007 : 10:26:15
Petr Cajanek...

On October 21st, 2007, Cajanek, signed a 1-year, $900,000 deal to play for Kazan in the Russian Super League for the rest of the season.

I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
- - Marshall McLuhan

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