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T O P I C    R E V I E W
spade632 Posted - 11/07/2007 : 19:50:40
Inspired by another board that I post on...

What do you think is/are the best goal song(s)?

This can be current or all-time. Also, it can be team songs (obviously) or individual player songs (i.e. Dany Heatley - "The Heat is on")

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ERTW0T9 Posted - 11/15/2007 : 13:18:34
I always thought the Rangers' goal song was the best. Crowd really gets going. Not sure what it is though.
spade632 Posted - 11/15/2007 : 08:28:31
Originally posted by Greg Smith

Thanks spade, I like this version better.

Oh yeah, the crowd definitely makes the song. I posted the link to the other version since it's easier to hear the actual song.

Nothing beats the sound of an NHL arena when the Home team scores.
OILINONTARIO Posted - 11/14/2007 : 16:47:50
Don't know if they still do it, but the Coyotes used to play Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London" Aaaoooooooooo! Great stuff!

The Oil WILL make the playoffs.
Greg Smith Posted - 11/14/2007 : 15:42:45
a great song I think should be a goal song.

We will rock you
Greg Smith Posted - 11/14/2007 : 15:31:27
Thanks spade, I like this version better.
spade632 Posted - 11/14/2007 : 08:46:47
Fly - Rock N' Roll Part 2 is a great song, no doubt.

Greg - The Minnesota goal song is "Crowd Chant" by Joe Satriani. It's also a great song. Gets me pumped when I hear it. (Here's another good version of it -
fly4apuckguy Posted - 11/10/2007 : 17:57:45
I'm not sure anything has ever dethroned Gary Glitter's Rock and Roll yet.

Weird video, but you get the point.
Greg Smith Posted - 11/10/2007 : 15:39:02
My favourite:

The minnesota Wild goal song. I'm not sure what it is, but its got my vote!

After playing in the NHL, it's hard to watch hockey games.
spade632 Posted - 11/07/2007 : 19:54:13
I'm a fan of the old Montreal goal song Although now they play Vertigo by U2....

The Bruins goal song "Kernkraft 400 (crowd chant version) by Zombie Nation is pretty good too. << this isn't that version but you get the idea.

Generically, Rock N' Roll Part 2, The Ole song, and Blur - "Song 2" (the Woo Hoo! song) are good too.

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