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 Best Line in the NHL so far (07/08)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Guest9253 Posted - 11/08/2007 : 11:55:24
Which has been the best line in the NHL so far?
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bonfire420 Posted - 11/23/2007 : 10:11:00
I'm surprised the Tampa line doesn't have more votes... They've actually had the most number of points between them so far this year (85). When vinny and st. louis are on, it's a beautiful thing to watch...
Guest4912 Posted - 11/23/2007 : 10:01:57
there is no way that Holmstrom RIDEs on the zetterberg and Datsyuk shoulders, hes gritty, gets to the net and buries the goals that no one else wants. the goals that you get bruises
Guest6882 Posted - 11/23/2007 : 08:01:31
Personally, as a leafs fan i hate ottawa with a passion, but you cant argue with their record that they have the best top line in the league right now.
Antroman Posted - 11/22/2007 : 08:57:54
As far as pure hockey talent goes I do not think Holmstom can compare to his two linemates but nobody can question his heart and dedication? I do not believe anybody could do the job he is doing for that team any better than he does. This guy doesn't get the accolades he deserves and if you watch him closely you will begin to see how damn smart he is too!!!!! He makes brawny plays and he makes smart plays while at the same time bugs the crap out of oppossing players and throws them off their game. He is also one of the best goalie screeners and goalie agitators that I have ever seen. This in turn makes time and space for his more celebrated line mates. I read somewhere that he is covered in bruises and bumps from training camp to the end of the playoffs. He makes the supreme sacrifice for his team all the time. I guess you can tell I like him allot!!!!!! My vote goes to the Holmstrom Line.
fly4apuckguy Posted - 11/17/2007 : 07:33:21
Malkin has only played about half the games...maybe not even...with Crobsy. Sid's played most of the year with Ryan Malone, and a combination of Staal, Malkin, Recchi, Sykora, Laraque on the other side.

They need to get that kid a decent winger. Malone has been better this year than last, but he's still a third liner on most teams.
rross Posted - 11/17/2007 : 06:50:57
Zetterberg line. Spezza hasn't played all that much this year.

fly4apuckguy Posted - 11/08/2007 : 22:37:25
Ottawa's line is awesome when everryone is healthy and clicking, but I see MSC's point about Spezza. What's with the injuries? And it's never something major, always a bunch of minor things.

He's either supremely frail or a grade a wuss. Either way, I hope it gets ironed out, because when he's healthy, he's one of the best in the biz.
MSC Posted - 11/08/2007 : 20:57:16
The only thing holding the Ottawa line back is Spezza and seemingly endless line of minor injuries. Even without Spezza every night they're still probably the best line.
Greg Smith Posted - 11/08/2007 : 19:01:46
Originally posted by Guest4282

What about Toews, Kane & Ruutu ??

......good but not up to ottawa's standards in my opinion.

After playing in the NHL, it's hard to watch hockey games.
Guest4282 Posted - 11/08/2007 : 18:57:43
What about Toews, Kane & Ruutu ??
Guest7007 Posted - 11/08/2007 : 18:46:25
Originally posted by Guest9253

Which has been the best line in the NHL so far?

I think Scott Cullen of TSN mentionned that Carolina's line of Brind'Amour, Cullen, Whitney is pretty high up there in points wise. I think they are 2nd or third combined points in the league.
OILINONTARIO Posted - 11/08/2007 : 18:31:02
The best line this year, so far, was MacT's "Wizard of Oz" line on Brian Burke. The best set-up has been, "Why did Toskala cross the border?". Answer: To get the Bell off the Sharks' neck!

The Oil WILL make the playoffs.
irvine Posted - 11/08/2007 : 17:37:49
The Ottawa Senators first line. They are producing very well together as usual.

I'm liking Crosby with Malkin and Malone. But, not near the top line. Yet anyways. And, if it is based on all three players producing as a single player and as a line, never. Due to Malone.

Greg Smith Posted - 11/08/2007 : 14:56:43
Sens line is just too good for anybody else to be the top line.

After playing in the NHL, it's hard to watch hockey games.
Guest9253 Posted - 11/08/2007 : 13:54:30
Thats a good point...I think langkow is playing on that line right now...someone in calgary help me out -are they changing up the line game to game and whos on that first line?
Beans15 Posted - 11/08/2007 : 13:18:26
I would say the Ottawa line over Detroit only because I think Holmstrom is just riding on Datsuyk and Zetterberg's Coat Tales. Ottawa's line is three highly talented player who produce amazing together.

If there is a vote for the line who is doing better than I expected, it would be Iginla/Langkow/Tanguay. Doesn't Huselius play on the 2nd line with Lombardi and ????

Wayne or Bobby?? How about both!!!
Guest9253 Posted - 11/08/2007 : 12:04:24
I say ottawa with their 13-1-0 record has to get the nod for top line right now
best that arent on the list for me are colorado and atlanta...

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