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 Best Chemistry?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wynn Posted - 10/25/2008 : 19:05:37
Which pair of players make a good team, who has the best chemistry together?

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pensfan17 Posted - 10/29/2008 : 20:13:49
Crosby and Malkin were playing together for a few games, but now Therrien is trying;
Fedetenko - Crosby - Dupuis
Cooke - Malkin - Sykora
Kennedy - Staal - Satan

Interesting lines, obviously trying to sperad out the scoring, considering Crosby and Malkin have more points than the rest of the forwards combined. I'm wonderin if Cooke can fit in the second line like Malone did, a great physical prescence. Also wondering what Crosby and Staal together would look like.
Guest4910 Posted - 10/28/2008 : 21:16:21
Crosby and Malkin are 2 centers, so they play only together on power play same as last year. This year, Datsyuk and Zetterberg play on 2 different lines.
Datsyuk with Hossa and Holmstrom
Zetterberg with Franzen(injured) or Samuelson or Filpulla or Hudler

Crosby with Satan and Fedotenko
Malkin with Sykora and Staal

That`s what I've seen lately, but season is still early, lines can be changed.
Leafsfan_94 Posted - 10/28/2008 : 16:53:54
id say malkin and sid, but do they even play on the same line anymore pelase someone correct me if im wrong


Guest4803 Posted - 10/28/2008 : 14:12:17
kesler + burrows
brentrock2 Posted - 10/28/2008 : 14:12:07
I said Malkin and Crosby because they work so great together on ice and scores alot.
PhillyFan12 Posted - 10/28/2008 : 14:09:42
i think zetterberg and datsuk
Guest9103 Posted - 10/28/2008 : 09:20:09
Stastny, Hedjuk and Smyth are the best line in the NHL
Axey Posted - 10/28/2008 : 08:47:39
What about Getzlaf and Perry?

Chicago Blackhawks GM

Jesus didn't tap.
Guest4527 Posted - 10/28/2008 : 01:04:30
Historically, Brett Hull and Adam Oates have to be ranked up there as well. Lest we forget how many goals Hull ended up with.

Being a Canucks fan and having seen a few games this year, how about Kesler and Burrows? I mean they are 2 of the best checkers in the league, and now they are starting to fill the net up. Teams who play the canucks now don't know if they should put their checking line out against the Sedin sisters or against Kessler and Burrows.

Kesler is IMHO the best player on the Canucks, and soon he will start getting the recognition he deserves. Last year I watched the Canucks play the Wild and Kessler not only scored a big goal, but he kept Gaborik off the scoresheet and frustrated him so much that he took a match penalty late in the game.
Guest5647 Posted - 10/27/2008 : 22:49:47
As for Spezza and Alfredsson, I'd scratch that and put Spezza and Heatley. They are a way better combo for the Ottawa Senators. Alfredsson is more of a balanced player whereas Spezza and Heatley are offensive dominators.
Guest0814 Posted - 10/26/2008 : 08:08:22
morrow and modano dont play together its ribeiro and morrow
Guest4910 Posted - 10/26/2008 : 07:26:05
I would say best pairs are Gretzky Kurri or Trottier Bossy or maybe Oates Neely.
Guest9966 Posted - 10/26/2008 : 00:36:28
Ovechkin / Backstrom have the best chemistry, if only the coach would put them back together like the last quarter of the 07/08 season. Ovechkin is a powerhouse and backstrom is the only one on the team who can support him.
Canucks Man Posted - 10/25/2008 : 21:50:14
And btw half the pairs on that list dont even play together so the coaches obviously dont think the chemistry is that good.

Canucks Man Posted - 10/25/2008 : 21:42:24
Its called the Twin factor. The Sedins should top that list easy they no exactly were the other one is all the time, even off the ice

Guest4572 Posted - 10/25/2008 : 20:08:51
There is no doubt the best chemistry is the Sedin twins.

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