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 Highlight Video Thread 08/09

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
I´m also Cånädiön Posted - 11/02/2008 : 02:42:01
If you watched a game recently and had a wow-moment and feel like this is something other hockey interested people would want to see, then post it here. And hopefully by the end of the season this thread has grown to an archive of video highlights choosen by the people frequenting Pickuphockey.

This might not be the most intellectually stimulating thread out there but you know the saying: "A picture says more than a thousand words"

Posting guidelines:
No videos older than from the start of this season, and not of the top ten type.

Game Date__Player__Type of play__:Link

08-10-24__Marian Hossa__Goal__:
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Porkchop73 Posted - 02/03/2009 : 16:28:58
This may not be an incredible highlight but for leaf fans does this not remind you of a young Wendel Clark.

01-31-2009 Luke Schenn, 19 YRS old and dominating this game vs Pens, solid hit on Malkin and then take down on Kennedy
Leafsfan_94 Posted - 12/22/2008 : 20:32:56
great saves by Justin Pogge tonight, the Leafs are looking GOOD. but i msure it wont last

and guys BELIEVE me i have come along way since being literally obsessed with pogge, i feel like an idiot going back and reading some stuff i said

Date: 12.22.2008 Save


Alex Posted - 12/22/2008 : 19:47:50
21-12-08 Blake Wheeler shorthanded goal

Make sure to cast your votes in the PickUpHockey Hall of Fame
pensfan17 Posted - 12/21/2008 : 18:03:14
20/12/08: Brashear destroys Cote
Axey Posted - 12/19/2008 : 10:24:17
09-12-08 D'Agostini Goal vs. Flames

Chicago Blackhawks GM

Jesus didn't tap.
Porkchop73 Posted - 12/13/2008 : 05:41:28
Top notch save by Toskala and almost another classic Ovechkin highlight goal from his knees, how did he get this shot off?

06-12-08 toskala / ovechkin,2,380&event=TOR474
Thrasher17 Posted - 11/29/2008 : 13:48:33
this one's not on youtube yet

08-11-28 Afinogenov Assist vs PIT,2,329&event=BUF96
Thrasher17 Posted - 11/29/2008 : 13:42:15
08-11-2 Kovalchuk Goal vs Fla
I´m also Cånädiön Posted - 11/29/2008 : 05:14:26
Originally posted by Guest6092

sorry i'm clueless when it comes to comput ers but could someone put on nick foligno vs detroit of Johan franzen vs montreal

No problem bud. I think I just put up the Franzen goal you are talking about and here is the Foligno goal. Oh and remember to crank up the video quality to high when watching.

08-10-11 Nick Foligno Goal

Guest6092 Posted - 11/29/2008 : 04:46:15
sorry i'm clueless when it comes to comput ers but could someone put on nick foligno vs detroit of Johan franzen vs montreal
I´m also Cånädiön Posted - 11/29/2008 : 04:13:31
Wow, give Backström and Ovechkin a couple of years together and you´ll have one amazing duo, really enjoyed that goal. Here´s a goal by Franzen that I´m sure all Habs fans out there enjoy watching

08-11-26 Johan Franzen Goal
Axey Posted - 11/17/2008 : 08:28:42
11-09-2008 Hemsky - Sick Goal

Chicago Blackhawks GM

Jesus didn't tap.
Alex Posted - 11/16/2008 : 15:07:48
Wow that Ribeiro goal was red***. Anyways, here's an amazing pass, a great dramatic goal with no time left on the clock, Ovechkin officially ending his slump I'd say.


Make sure to cast your votes in the PickUpHockey Hall of Fame
pokermatt12 Posted - 11/15/2008 : 07:39:30

Mike Ribeiro shootout goal *shhhh*
Porkchop73 Posted - 11/15/2008 : 06:46:42
11-13-08 Danny Sabourin save on Mike Richards during shootout
Canucks Man Posted - 11/05/2008 : 15:13:59
Kyle Wellwood Goal of the Year!

Guest6122 Posted - 11/05/2008 : 13:08:46

Ales Hemsky vs. Philadeplhia Flyers

He actually scored 2 Highlight Reel goals, but this was the only on i could find
Axey Posted - 11/04/2008 : 20:49:14
28-10-08 Lecavalier - Goal vs. Toronto

Chicago Blackhawks GM

Jesus didn't tap.
I´m also Cånädiön Posted - 11/03/2008 : 05:03:35
08-10-25 Pavel Datsyuk Goal
Axey Posted - 11/02/2008 : 13:44:10
30/09/08 - Carey Price - Save of the Year

Its in exhibition but come on it has to count.

Edit - There we go, i fixed it.

Chicago Blackhawks GM

Jesus didn't tap.
PainTrain Posted - 11/02/2008 : 07:14:10
Sabres and Islanders Brawl. 10/13/08

When the going gets tough....the tough get going!
I´m also Cånädiön Posted - 11/02/2008 : 05:39:09
08-11-01 Krys Barch VS Shawn Thornton Fight
Alex Posted - 11/02/2008 : 04:20:02
Great idea IAC!

Vincent Lecavalier Goal

Make sure to cast your votes in the PickUpHockey Hall of Fame

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