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T O P I C    R E V I E W
goon Posted - 06/05/2006 : 10:16:10
I was feeling in an Oiler mood today so I searched for some Great One Highlights and found this video. Check it:
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ripley Posted - 06/13/2006 : 23:09:28
Goon, I think what Goose is saying is, the fact that they all "peaked" at the same time was lucky. Getting there involves a great deal of luck. Once you've found the formula you try to maintain it. But regardless, at the center of it must be some core individuals, with Edmonton it was Gretzky. Throw him on another "upstart" team and they would try to build a team around him...with a little luck that would develop into a championship team too. It had to be easier to build a team around Gretzky than any player in history!
davem Posted - 06/13/2006 : 21:02:54
I don't imagine any of the highlights showed anyone trying to stop Gretzky. I'm sure the teams would make sure Baby Wayne got as many points in the "new" NHL as he got then.
goon Posted - 06/12/2006 : 10:03:04
Are you joking? Are you seriously calling a dynasty pure luck? Wow. How many hall of famers were on the Oilers dynasty? Coffey, Anderson, Messier, Fuhr, Gretzky, Kurri. Enough said.
Goose Posted - 06/11/2006 : 22:54:03
Originally posted by Jack Kayden 66

If he was on Minnesota, or Jersey he may not have won as many cups,

I'm not so sure. When he was in Edmonton they started off as brand new "nobody" team (except him). They built a club around him...and alot was pure luck; the guys all matured at the same time and at the heart of it was the Great One. Put him on the North Stars and the result probably would have been pretty close to the same.
Goose Posted - 06/11/2006 : 22:48:57
Gretz is the man!
Jack Kayden 66 Posted - 06/08/2006 : 08:37:04
If he was on Minnesota, or Jersey he may not have won as many cups, but he probably would have had more goals than assists given that he would have had nobody to pass the puck to. On Calgary, he may well have been the same player with the same successes. I agree that either way he is tstill he best there is, the best therewas and the best thereever will be. No wait ... thats Bret Hart.
leigh Posted - 06/06/2006 : 21:32:34
woulda, coulda, shoulda. He was the greatest, is the greatest and will always be the greatest.

The guy only retired 6 seasons ago. One of which was a lock out and this year was under the new rules where he would have thrived. That leaves only 4 years without him. He's the man, I mean look at those moves. That fake shot move worked everytime.
bablaboushka Posted - 06/06/2006 : 13:38:04
But what if he ended up on a team like Minnesota, Jersey or Calgary...?
pucker Posted - 06/06/2006 : 10:18:53
Gretzky in any era would still be the greatest of all time. He would find a way to beat the buttefly style, he would have found a way to exploit the trap etc. He is so good it is insane and watching that clip was wicked. Sometimes I think he retired too early.
slapshot Posted - 06/06/2006 : 09:34:02
That was a sweet compilation of Gretzky highlights. Hey bablaboushka, I think that you make a good point. It is so difficult to look back at players and predict how they would perform in the current era. I would think that his totals would be quite a bit lower than what they are, but he would still be head and shoulders above the rest of the league.
bablaboushka Posted - 06/05/2006 : 13:22:17
Great video.

Because I'm feeling like playing Devil's Advocate here, I pose one of the most golden questions in hockey: How would Gretzky have done in the 21st century? It's so interesting to think about, but really one that's hard to answer. Goalies more commonly used the "Butterfly" style of goaltending, defense won games (as opposed to how it was back in the 80's), teams trapped, goalie equipment was bigger, defensemen (for the most part) were bigger and stronger...

What do you think?

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