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 Alex Kovalev to the Sens

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Pasty7 Posted - 07/06/2009 : 13:40:43
The financial details havn't been disclosed yet but it looks like a 2 yr deal


Moderator Addition - The deal is reportedly 2 year - $10 million salary.
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Odin Posted - 07/16/2009 : 14:00:19
Originally posted by slozo

Funny as it may sound to poor Habs fans, I can totally see Kovalev getting well over 70 points this season.

He will be playing with a very talented (but aging) Aldredsson in all probability, I can't see Spezza and Heatley breaking up until the trade happens. And when the trade does happen, He will likely be playing with Spezza . . . it's a huge upgrade in linemate talent, and probably increased minutes I am guessing.

This may not translate into more wins for Ottawa, however . . .

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug

Poor habs fans??? I say see ya later/ At $5M??? Ridiculous. Murray completely overpaid a player who was sent home to sulk last year. If we could have got him at $3M that would be fine. He ain't worth $5M with all the baggage he brings.
n/a Posted - 07/16/2009 : 05:10:36
Is this not the same Kovalev who in his best seasons played with Mario Lemieux, Jaromir Jagr and Martin Straka? lol

And being one of the most talented offensive players in the league doesn't mean you will actually realise that talent . . . he can sure make the moves, can dangle with the best of them, but I wouldn't want him on my team, no siree.

And good point, Guest 5435 - half of Kovie's points will probably come on the power play, except that Ottawa is in desperate need of an elite offensive d-man for the powerplay . . . boy, I bet every morning Murray wakes up he wishes that it wasn't Toronto with defencemen to spare in need of an elite forward.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
JOSHUACANADA Posted - 07/16/2009 : 01:27:13
Is this not the same Kovalev who got a 100plus points in Pitts? Has been called prior and recently one of the most talented offensive players in the game by players who played with or against him? He slumps, and then he pouts, and then he leads leads his team offensively. If heatly stays they could have 2 bonified scoring lines. If they get good return like a top 6 forward and a puck moving dman, this team finally has some depth on scoring.

Pascal is not a ?. Show me a bad stat or a coach who doesnt think he was/is a bonified #1 with 1 injury removed.

At least this year the pressure of leading or challenging for Eastern champ will finally be of this team. Nobody expects much this year, which may help alot
Guest5435 Posted - 07/10/2009 : 19:58:20
Originally posted by slozo
He will be playing with a very talented (but aging) Aldredsson in all probability, I can't see Spezza and Heatley breaking up until the trade happens. And when the trade does happen, He will likely be playing with Spezza . . . it's a huge upgrade in linemate talent, and probably increased minutes I am guessing.

This may not translate into more wins for Ottawa, however . . .

It all depends on how Kovalev adapts to Clouston's PP set up. I think half of Kovalev's points will come from the PP. However Ottawa does not have a legit PP QB like Markov. Kuba is going to be paired with Alfie on the blue line.

As for regular shifts, I see Kovalev on the second line with Fisher and Alfie. Spezza will play with Heatley (or whatever player they get in return for Heater) and a bag of pucks on the other wing. Sometimes Kovy or Alfie will play with Spezza on the first.

Rough projections if they are uninjured and play 82 games.

Spezza 80 (90+ with Heatley)
Alfie 80 (90 max regardless his mates)
Kovalev 70 (90+ if he ever tries all the time in every game)
n/a Posted - 07/10/2009 : 08:54:21
Funny as it may sound to poor Habs fans, I can totally see Kovalev getting well over 70 points this season.

He will be playing with a very talented (but aging) Aldredsson in all probability, I can't see Spezza and Heatley breaking up until the trade happens. And when the trade does happen, He will likely be playing with Spezza . . . it's a huge upgrade in linemate talent, and probably increased minutes I am guessing.

This may not translate into more wins for Ottawa, however . . .

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Guest4948 Posted - 07/10/2009 : 07:44:36
I think Kovalev will be okay there, especially if he plays with Spezza and/or Alfredsson. I could see him getting 65 points, maybe even top 70 if he stays healthy? Guess it really depends on how often he decides to play?
Rambo2305 Posted - 07/10/2009 : 07:06:37
Originally posted by brentrock2

Originally posted by Rambo2305

2009-2010 Point totals:

Spezza - 76
Alfredsson - 71
Kovalev - 51

Let's focus, Sens fans really think they'll get more then 50-55 points from the $5 Million Kovalev?

"Most people spend time and energy going around problems, rather than trying to solve them" - Henry Ford

Well I would say for Spezza-82

So it is pretty close of what you said Rambo.


PPG for Spezza, maybe if Heater stays..and thats a biiiig maybe, if its just Alfie and Spezza up front, might go down...

"Most people spend time and energy going around problems, rather than trying to solve them" - Henry Ford
brentrock2 Posted - 07/10/2009 : 06:07:59
Originally posted by Rambo2305

2009-2010 Point totals:

Spezza - 76
Alfredsson - 71
Kovalev - 51

Let's focus, Sens fans really think they'll get more then 50-55 points from the $5 Million Kovalev?

"Most people spend time and energy going around problems, rather than trying to solve them" - Henry Ford

Well I would say for Spezza-82

So it is pretty close of what you said Rambo.

Rambo2305 Posted - 07/10/2009 : 05:20:14
2009-2010 Point totals:

Spezza - 76
Alfredsson - 71
Kovalev - 51

Let's focus, Sens fans really think they'll get more then 50-55 points from the $5 Million Kovalev?

"Most people spend time and energy going around problems, rather than trying to solve them" - Henry Ford
Guest6765 Posted - 07/09/2009 : 21:23:56
Originally posted by Guest5435

Originally posted by Rambo2305

This team may have some "big names"...but as Larry Brown once said (HOF - NBA Coach)...."The best players don't win championships, the best teams win championships".

Believe me, this is no team. The only line that thinks about one another is the Comrie, Neil, Fischer line. Alfie, Spezza, Heatley and now Kovalev, a bunch of selfish players that are good, yes, but will be the achilles heal of the Sens.

1. What does Larry Brown know about Hockey?
2. Comrie has not yet signed with Ottawa?
3. How is Alfie and Spezza selfish? Alfie is the consumate team player, to say he is selfish is to see through Leaf coloured glasses. Spezza just told Heater to either beat it or play. Yeah he makes these crazy cutesy passes but is that selfish or creative? I'd say he is less selfish than Grabovski or Blake of the blue and white, but infinitely more creative. You'd likely call Lidstrom selfish because he is not wearing a leafs jersey.
4. Kovalev is a terrible signing. 36 yrs old. Sometimes wants to play. Technically he is going to make 10M a year but since he is only mentally in half of the games, he is only receiving 5M/year. Makes that 2nd line a little more potent though.

I believe Rambo was reffering to the quote by Larry Brown, which is in fact a good one. The Ranger's know that owe so well, same with the Knicks too! haha...also, the Sens team has no morale, this team will do horrible this year, they'll have no chemistry, and what a bad move getting Kovalev...what happened in ottawa???
Guest5435 Posted - 07/09/2009 : 20:29:19
Originally posted by Rambo2305

This team may have some "big names"...but as Larry Brown once said (HOF - NBA Coach)...."The best players don't win championships, the best teams win championships".

Believe me, this is no team. The only line that thinks about one another is the Comrie, Neil, Fischer line. Alfie, Spezza, Heatley and now Kovalev, a bunch of selfish players that are good, yes, but will be the achilles heal of the Sens.

1. What does Larry Brown know about Hockey?
2. Comrie has not yet signed with Ottawa?
3. How is Alfie and Spezza selfish? Alfie is the consumate team player, to say he is selfish is to see through Leaf coloured glasses. Spezza just told Heater to either beat it or play. Yeah he makes these crazy cutesy passes but is that selfish or creative? I'd say he is less selfish than Grabovski or Blake of the blue and white, but infinitely more creative. You'd likely call Lidstrom selfish because he is not wearing a leafs jersey.
4. Kovalev is a terrible signing. 36 yrs old. Sometimes wants to play. Technically he is going to make 10M a year but since he is only mentally in half of the games, he is only receiving 5M/year. Makes that 2nd line a little more potent though.
Porkchop73 Posted - 07/08/2009 : 05:20:28
Kovalev fits into the Ottawa mold. Super talented, selfish and likes to take shifts off unless he somehow gets motivated. Remember when he was benched and told to stay home last year. Sometimes his mind is not in the game. Ottawa needs to make huge changes, they are going no where fast until they fix attitude, not talent. One has to wonder what has happened in Ottawa that a superstar like Heatley signs long term and suddenly wants a trade out of there. He showed no signs of wanting that trade at the end of last season. I don't buy the problem with the coach thing.
Guest9655 Posted - 07/07/2009 : 11:11:07
Originally posted by slozo

The enigmatic, very talented Kovalev, to Ottawa. Ha ha, I'm lovin' it!

Montreal got smaller, probably a wash in terms of talent, and lost leadership. Ottawa, who is supposed to rebound this year, has a malcontent star in Heatley who doesn't want to be there, and now has Kovalev as the potential replacement in the future when the Sens eventually deal him. So, the Ottawa Senators are a team that still has a weakish defence, weak goaltending, and have a terrible dressing room that the crowd-pleasing Kovalev will walk into.

Ha ha ha . . . this is great news for the Leafs, Bruins and Sabres is all I can say.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug

I wouldn't call Pascal Leclaire "weak"...I think he's going to be that missing piece that Ottawa's been lacking for years.
n/a Posted - 07/07/2009 : 09:46:06
The enigmatic, very talented Kovalev, to Ottawa. Ha ha, I'm lovin' it!

Montreal got smaller, probably a wash in terms of talent, and lost leadership. Ottawa, who is supposed to rebound this year, has a malcontent star in Heatley who doesn't want to be there, and now has Kovalev as the potential replacement in the future when the Sens eventually deal him. So, the Ottawa Senators are a team that still has a weakish defence, weak goaltending, and have a terrible dressing room that the crowd-pleasing Kovalev will walk into.

Ha ha ha . . . this is great news for the Leafs, Bruins and Sabres is all I can say.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
PhillyFan12 Posted - 07/07/2009 : 09:34:27
Ottawa got kovy now so,to me there best forward players are alfredson,heatley(might be gone),spezza,and kovalev.There going to do good this year i suspect.2 yrs.$10 million,pretty good deal

Philly Rules!!!
brentrock2 Posted - 07/07/2009 : 06:13:12
For a Habs fan i'm a bit surprised. I was hoping (but I didn't think so) that he would stay with the Habs but oh well, hard luck.

Rambo2305 Posted - 07/07/2009 : 05:24:13
Ahhh....Brian Murray made a move for the sake of making a move, but $5 Million, for Kovalev? Seriously?

This team has enough off-ice, dressing room trouble as it is. How much worse is it going to get when Kovalev decides not to backcheck, floats and thinks about the blonde in the 1st row? I'll say either Chris Neil or Mike Fischer fight him in a practice eventually :)

This team may have some "big names"...but as Larry Brown once said (HOF - NBA Coach)...."The best players don't win championships, the best teams win championships".

Believe me, this is no team. The only line that thinks about one another is the Comrie, Neil, Fischer line. Alfie, Spezza, Heatley and now Kovalev, a bunch of selfish players that are good, yes, but will be the achilles heal of the Sens.

"Most people spend time and energy going around problems, rather than trying to solve them" - Henry Ford
Guest5435 Posted - 07/06/2009 : 19:11:39
I just can't believe he got 5M per. That's big bucks for a guy that will only actually try in half the games. Good thing it wasn't a longer term than 2 years though.
just1n Posted - 07/06/2009 : 16:10:39
I was wondering who was going to sign Kovalev. Glad to see Murray is able to do something anyways, as the Heatley situation doesn't put him in a very good position, obviously.

They don't have the cap space though, so other deals will be imminent I guess -

Thrasher17 Posted - 07/06/2009 : 16:03:59
Hopefully this will put an end to those Russian Newspaper stories...

And I can tell you 6 games that Kovalev will show up for next year.
Axey Posted - 07/06/2009 : 15:49:51
Im disgusted, bitter at this signing.
PhOrMz Posted - 07/06/2009 : 13:45:27
2 Years....10 Mil.

-Pain is inevitable. Misery is a choice-
Pasty7 Posted - 07/06/2009 : 13:45:19
As a habs fan i would like to say good riddance, i despised every moment he was wearing a hab jersey, the guy is one of the few who can completely dominate a game when he decides too, but when he wants to be completly useless well he is the best at that! but i hate that he is staying in the division because he will punish the habs over and over again this year


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