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T O P I C    R E V I E W
leigh Posted - 04/03/2007 : 16:03:47
Playoff Pools are now available! >>>

Flames & Avs tonight 6pm PST. If Calgary wins tonight then Colorado will be eliminated from playoff contention and the 8th spot will be locked up in the West. Will Colorado live to fight again, or has the Avalanche reached the bottom of the mountain?
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
semin-rules Posted - 04/04/2007 : 14:48:30
The Avs havent missed a post-season since they came to Colorado, and it won't start now

The_only_Odelein_fan Posted - 04/04/2007 : 05:32:21
No AVS in playoff this year that sounds very good

Lyle Odelein is always on my mind!
ED11 Posted - 04/03/2007 : 22:09:53
Well they won tonight. To little to late. They are done.
leigh Posted - 04/03/2007 : 20:56:27
Well that was a little disappointing. Oh well, like 1420 said, the Flames only need 1 win to seal it. 3 more chances.

Big win for Minni tonight. Canucks are up 3-2 on LA tonight too. An interesting night in the NW division.
Guest4024 Posted - 04/03/2007 : 20:48:47
bablaboushka Posted - 04/03/2007 : 19:40:30
That will be an important game. The Avs can take their two games and the Sharks can handle them, so it's really up to the Oilers.

You're right Leigh, the Flames basically clinched their berth with that road trip. I don't know where that game was all year but the wins couldn't have been more timely.
Guest1420 Posted - 04/03/2007 : 18:38:53
Flames all the way!! even if they do lose which is very unlikely, the avs still have no chance in getting to the playoff's. the flames only have to get 2 points and they play edmonton on saturday. So sorry avs fans but your playoff streak is done.
leigh Posted - 04/03/2007 : 18:20:51
Originally posted by Mikhailova

Originally posted by bablaboushka

Well as hard as I find it to believe that Calgary would be held to less than 2 points in their last 4 games AND that Colorado would win all of them, I am keeping my faith in the Avs.

Great minds think alike babs, I voted the Avs too. If Calgary wins it, the only reason why will be that they're at home.

now that used to be true Mik but they did sweep their latest road trip with 4 straight wins bringing their road record to a STAGGERING 13-18-8!!!! But I'm holding out that they have changed their evil ways just in time for the prom
Patchy Posted - 04/03/2007 : 18:20:50
No matter how much I would like to see a comeback in the Avs, I think Calgary will stand their ground tonight and clinch.

~~Go Leafs Go~~
-oil-country- Posted - 04/03/2007 : 18:02:22
I think the Avs will take this but still not get into playoffs. Which is too bad they had a nice streak going (ever since the team moved to Colorado they got into the playoffs).
Mikhailova Posted - 04/03/2007 : 17:05:42
Originally posted by bablaboushka

Well as hard as I find it to believe that Calgary would be held to less than 2 points in their last 4 games AND that Colorado would win all of them, I am keeping my faith in the Avs.

Great minds think alike babs, I voted the Avs too. If Calgary wins it, the only reason why will be that they're at home.
bablaboushka Posted - 04/03/2007 : 17:03:52
Well as hard as I find it to believe that Calgary would be held to less than 2 points in their last 4 games AND that Colorado would win all of them, I am keeping my faith in the Avs. At least if they could beat the Flames in both their remaining games to show them that they didn't beat them out by any big margin.
leafsfan_101 Posted - 04/03/2007 : 16:38:03
Looks like the Avs snowball out of the playoff picture. Ill put my money on Calgary.

Long Live Leafs Nation!!
tctitans Posted - 04/03/2007 : 16:29:27
Go Flames!
leigh Posted - 04/03/2007 : 16:23:54
Flames are rolling (6 straight wins) The game is at home for the Flames so with the NHL's best home record (30-7-2) I think the Avs will be dusting off their golf clubs tomorrow.
Canucks Man Posted - 04/03/2007 : 16:05:04
The Avs are DONE!! and im really happy about it!!!

Get The Towels Out Guys PLAYOFFS!!!

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