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 Come Back player

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tmlfan46 Posted - 11/24/2006 : 23:17:02
Who is the comeback player of the year so far.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kashmire Posted - 12/20/2006 : 17:24:16
Lol I thougth it was who has performed the best after their injuries for some reason my bad.
Beans15 Posted - 12/20/2006 : 16:50:00
I would say Yashin as well.

I didn't know that Rod the Bod went anywhere. He is just having a career year. If he was a comeback player, it was last year when he doubled his point total from the year before. This year, he's on pace to be a bit better than last year, but not significantly.

Yashin was high profile and fell off the map after the big contract. Since joining the Islanders, he has not had more than 66 points and has always been on the bad side of +/-. This year he's got 30 pts in 24 games and is +14. That's a turn around!
Kashmire Posted - 12/20/2006 : 16:10:19
I've heard of this player on Bufallo. His name is Maxim Afinogenov Afinogenov has had a strong season so far I'm not quite sure who to vote for so i will save my vote. Brind'amour hasn't even gotten back from his injury. So I think Afinogenov should be added to the poll.
Trevman12 Posted - 12/20/2006 : 15:51:20
Originally posted by B-rett10

Yashin! Brind'amour and Yashin are injured right now so......

Yashin isn't injured anymore.
B-rett10 Posted - 12/18/2006 : 19:42:50
Yashin! Brind'amour and Yashin are injured right now so......
Mikhailova Posted - 12/18/2006 : 16:15:25
I said Yashin too.
Trevman12 Posted - 12/18/2006 : 15:53:06

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