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 Rookie of the year

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sensfan101 Posted - 09/18/2010 : 08:42:03
Who do you think will win rookie of the year?
32   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest6816 Posted - 06/10/2011 : 20:10:03

Didn't see the candidates
nuxfan Posted - 06/09/2011 : 20:11:35

Either Hall, Seguin, Eberle or Crawford

OR! one of the actual 3 finalists of Skinner, Couture, or Grabner
Guest6816 Posted - 06/09/2011 : 19:49:27
Either Hall, Seguin, Eberle or Crawford
Guest4988 Posted - 03/21/2011 : 14:22:36
Corey Crawford !!
Guest6133 Posted - 03/21/2011 : 13:47:36
Kevin Shattenkirk?
Guest9885 Posted - 03/21/2011 : 10:42:12
Sorry, didn't realize how old those posts were. My bad.
Guest9885 Posted - 03/21/2011 : 10:40:54
Wow, weird posts about Kadri. How would anyone be considering him for rookie of the year? The complaint about him is not size it's the fact that he gets knocked off the puck fairly easily at the NHL level. Still don't really understand why his name is being mentioned at all. Barring someone tearing it up these last few games I think Jeff Skinner will win the Calder.
Mario 66 Posted - 03/21/2011 : 08:48:06
My pick would be Subban, however, the selection group will go with Skinner

In youth we learn; in age we understand
n/a Posted - 03/21/2011 : 07:05:43
Tough race this year, especially after Subban's hatty last night.

Skinner has been great all year, but as said, he has fallen off of late (although he did get a goal and an assist last game). He still leads all rookies with 52 points (25g, 27a). He's top three, and if he does well in the last weeks, he'll win it.

But Logan Couture on the Sharks has been equally great - he was leading his team in goals, for goodness sakes, for most of the year. 27 goals, 21 a for 48 points puts him second in points and goals for rookies.

He is actually my pick right now, but . . . it could change in the last few weeks here.

Grabner was smoking hot for a while for the lowly Isles, and while his goal total is very impressive (he has 30), he has been streaky, so who knows what he does in the coming weeks. His +15 on the Islanders looks amazing though, and I'll say that if he has a good ending to the year, he might be my number 2 rookie, maybe even #1.

Rounding out the forwards, Taylor Hall will no longer be in the discussion for rookie of the year, but his 42 points in 65 games (and frankly, Eberle's 37 in 59) would have put him right there with a full season. Oh well, there's next year.

P.K Subban has been an offensive force as the top scoring rookie d-man with 11g, 24a, 35 pts overall, 10th among all rookies. Is it enough to put a defenceman on the nominee list? It might be . . . grudgingly, I'd have to put him top three, I think. He also leads all rookie d-men in hits with 100, tied for 6th for all rookies (and the only rookie in the race in the top 15). He's feisty, and he's been a key cog in Montreal's success.

Any of these guys get real hot at the end of the season . . . it is there for the taking.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Guest8623 Posted - 03/21/2011 : 05:14:10
After last night's game between Montreal and Minnesota, I was wondering who should win the Calder.

Taking into account the importance on the success of their team, I really think Subban should get the nod this year, even though a couple other players have very good numbers.

Subban is a physical presence, gets under the other players skin, plays on the PP and PK, leads all rookie defensemen in goals and probably points, and is arguably the best defensemen playing on his team right now. With so many injuries on his team, he's had to step up a lot more than he was expected and he has not deceived. He gets my vote!!!
Alex116 Posted - 03/01/2011 : 20:12:07
Here's an old thread regarding rookie of the year picks. Interesting, no one mentioned Skinner who for a while looked to be the likely winner. He's really slowed as of late and i'm not sure he's even the favorite anymore?

Who might be the favorite now? Crawford? Hall? Skinner? Couture? Bobrovsky?

It looks to me like the frontrunners have to be Crawford and Skinner / Couture? Hall's still got a shot as well but Couture's 25 goals and +17 ranking sure looks good!

Michael Grabner is making a late run with 25 goals as well on NY but how in the world he's +10 on THAT team is beyond me! That's worth a few votes on it's own!!! And to think, after aquiring him from Vancouver in the deal for Ballard, Florida waived him!!!
Guest6781 Posted - 10/04/2010 : 06:26:22
Rookie of the Year - My Top 4:

1) Eberle (25 goals/65 points)

2) Carlson (will score 35-40 pts and be a plus-20)

3) Tyler Ennis (20 goals/55 points)

4) Magnus Paajarvi (18 goals/52 points)
Alex116 Posted - 09/21/2010 : 10:59:10
Originally posted by Beans15

With Savard's post-concussion syndrome I still would not get too excited about Seguin making that Boston team. They are still deep through the middle and what do they do with Seguin with Savard comes back? It could be 5 games or it could be 50. I can't recall the exact rule but it's somthing like 11 games a junior eligible player can skate in. Once he hit's the 12th game he is considered as an NHL player and the first year of his contract counts. Even if he doesn't play another game that season.

People have to remember that Seguin is a year younger than Hall and the likes. He can play another year in junior, go to the WJC and be a far more prepared player coming into camp next year when the Bruins will have either let Bergeron go to free agency or moved either Bergeron or Savard making space for Seguin to play a natural 2nd line centre roll to start his career.

The Bruins are not going to waste one of the years of his entry level deal with Seguin playing anything less then 2nd line. It just won't happen.

On a side bar, I was listening to the Oilers guys on the radio today and apparently Eberle is looking small and slow in camp. Many in Edmonton are predicting that Giroux will make the team over Eberle based on size and speed with similar scoring ability. I think that Eberle may be the odd man out in the youth movement of the Oilers. Hall, Paajarvi, and even Omark are making noise. It will be an interesting pre-season in Edmonton to say the least.

Very good points about the Bruins not wasting him if he's not on a top line thus losing a year of his entry level contract. It's so much more the norm nowadays with the cap!

As for Eberle, i'm shocked! This kid seems to have so much potential so to hear that he's struggling is very surprising.
Beans15 Posted - 09/21/2010 : 10:44:04
With Savard's post-concussion syndrome I still would not get too excited about Seguin making that Boston team. They are still deep through the middle and what do they do with Seguin with Savard comes back? It could be 5 games or it could be 50. I can't recall the exact rule but it's somthing like 11 games a junior eligible player can skate in. Once he hit's the 12th game he is considered as an NHL player and the first year of his contract counts. Even if he doesn't play another game that season.

People have to remember that Seguin is a year younger than Hall and the likes. He can play another year in junior, go to the WJC and be a far more prepared player coming into camp next year when the Bruins will have either let Bergeron go to free agency or moved either Bergeron or Savard making space for Seguin to play a natural 2nd line centre roll to start his career.

The Bruins are not going to waste one of the years of his entry level deal with Seguin playing anything less then 2nd line. It just won't happen.

On a side bar, I was listening to the Oilers guys on the radio today and apparently Eberle is looking small and slow in camp. Many in Edmonton are predicting that Giroux will make the team over Eberle based on size and speed with similar scoring ability. I think that Eberle may be the odd man out in the youth movement of the Oilers. Hall, Paajarvi, and even Omark are making noise. It will be an interesting pre-season in Edmonton to say the least.
Guest7924 Posted - 09/21/2010 : 09:44:33
I gotta go with John Carlson. I have a feeling he's going to raqck up some major points on that Washington powerplay...not to mention they fill the net 5 on 5.

I really hope Cody Hodgson makes the Canucks. Great talent, wonky back...really hope things work out for this kid. If they do it'll be just what the doctor ordered. By the sounds of it the have another talented golie coming up through the system behnd Schnieder. Things may be looking up out west.

As for Kadri...I've seen him get run a couple times already in that rookie tourny and the other guy always seemed to get the worst of it. He definitely seems alot heavier and solid. He'll have to impress big time to make the squad though.
MrBoogedy Posted - 09/21/2010 : 02:21:41
PK Subban all the way. After an impressive playoff performance last year, and with such a head on his shoulders that I think he'll not only handle the limelight in montreal but thrive in it. PK all the way.
Alex116 Posted - 09/21/2010 : 00:31:54
It's gotta be Hodgson, he's on the poll TWICE!

My pick is Subban. I just think that a lot of the big hyped guys are on teams that may offer them a lot of ice time, but don't look to offer them much support. Eberle, MPS and Hall will all likely do well but could steal votes from one another if they're close in stats? Subban has playoff experience under his belt while still maintaining his rookie status. This is huge as far as experience goes at that young age. Mix in the fact that Markov is out for a couple months leading to a more prominent role and i think Subban's got a great shot. Of course, this is just an early guess and i wouldn't be surprised at anything really...
Beans15 Posted - 09/20/2010 : 20:45:10
Originally posted by slozo

Beans - if Hall and Seguin aren't "small forwards", neither is Kadri. I think Kadri will fill out to be a normal sized NHLer, just average . . . look at the weights of any young kids, they are all about the same.

You clearly missed my point by trying to nitpick age (6 months?!? are you serious?) as if that means anything to various people's stage of physical growth/development.

The whole thing about the weight of Kadri is a complete Toronto/Leafs/media circus event created monster, and I was just pointing out the similarities in weight at this time to make a point.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug

That's only if you believe the weight that is being reports. As I said, 20 lbs in one year is a HUGE increase without any kind of chemical support. Don't you think??

That being said, the 6 month is a stretch no doubt. However, Hall at 19 and Seguin at 185 at 18 compared to Kadri at 167 at the same age or older is what my point is. If Seguin and Hall are still filling out, one could expect them to be in the 195 range when they are done. Kadri is done. I don't see him getting any bigger than about 180, which is better than the 167 he was a year ago.

n/a Posted - 09/20/2010 : 18:21:27
Beans - if Hall and Seguin aren't "small forwards", neither is Kadri. I think Kadri will fill out to be a normal sized NHLer, just average . . . look at the weights of any young kids, they are all about the same.

You clearly missed my point by trying to nitpick age (6 months?!? are you serious?) as if that means anything to various people's stage of physical growth/development.

The whole thing about the weight of Kadri is a complete Toronto/Leafs/media circus event created monster, and I was just pointing out the similarities in weight at this time to make a point.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Beans15 Posted - 09/20/2010 : 10:50:04
Hey Slozo, why are you talking smack about updated weights?? Prior to the update, Kadri was listed on most account as 167 lbs. If (and I say a big if) he is actually 186 lbs than I would suggest there is something fishy going on. Appreciate that this kid has been a rail for the better part of his life and is physically fit. How does a person like that put on 20 lbs of beef in one year???

(On a side note, both the Maple Leafs website at 167 lbs, TSN has him listed at 177 lbs)

Before 'nuff said comments start getting tossed around, why don't you take a look at the ages of these kids. Kadri is the oldest of the 4 players you listed. He has Eberle by 6 months, Hall by 18 months, and Seugin by nearly 2 years. So you want to talk about physically mature?? Granted he is getting there (if you believe the new weight numbers) but he is behind the curve. He is a small forward (much like Eberle) and that's just the way it is.
Guest0362 Posted - 09/19/2010 : 15:03:21
What about Stepan on NYR. If he is on the first line beside Frolov and Gaborik he could get a lot of points
Pasty7 Posted - 09/19/2010 : 13:01:58
Lars Eller,, i mean yeah sure its a long shot but why not, has been playing against men for the last 3 years of his career is 6ft 2 and 195 lbs was almost a point per game in the >AHL last year (and the leading scorer on his team) i mean sure i wouldn`t bet on him but it deffinetly wouldn`t be out of the blue if he put up a 55 point season next year,

n/a Posted - 09/19/2010 : 10:11:27
Tyler Ennis is eligible for rookie status this year, yes - just got my poolie mag and looked it up. Not a bad pick, actually . . . except for the fact that he is 167 lbs. and relatively small (5'9").

Taylor Hall is 6'1", 185 lbs.
Tyler Seguin is 6'1" 186 lbs.
Jordan Eberle is 5' 10" 185 lbs.
Nazim Kadri is 5'11.5" 186 lbs.

Sorry, who isn't physically mature?
All these stats are taken from the same source - wikipedia - which has apparently just updated a lot of the stats (including Kadri's weight) as it is just before the hockey season.

If Hall and Seguin are an inch a half taller than Kadri but basically the same weight . . . who is more mature physically?

'nuff said.

Oh, and to Leafs 81 - doesn't matter what Burke thinks should be done with Kadri, he lets his coaches make the decision 100% whether to send a kid back down or not. Has gone on the record numerous times saying this.

I really don't think the size/weight issue is going to be an issue with Wilson this year.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Leafs81 Posted - 09/19/2010 : 08:10:41
Originally posted by Pasty7

Originally posted by The Duke

not many talking about kadri. didn`t he score around 27 points in 12 games last year in the OHL playoffs ? or something similar to these numbers anyway...not too shabby.

my worry with Kadri is he hasn`t matured physicaly yet,, he is still in his teenager`s body when he is 6ft 3 200lbs he has all the tools to be a force


I read this a while back, and I just found it. This article is saying that he gained 17 pounds over the summer. I don't know how true this is because it seems like every site has a different weight for him. A lot never updated it since his 167 pounds. But adding 17 means he would now be at 184. That's pretty much NHL ready.

But I still say he will play in the AHL because Brian Burke wants them to play in the pro for a bit before they make the big step. So I say AHL this year and NHL in 2011-2012.

He might play like 10 to 15 games this year.
Leafs81 Posted - 09/19/2010 : 08:05:32
I'm pretty sure you have to play 25 games in the NHL or be above 25 years old to not be considered a Rookie anymore.

John Carlson in Washington has a shot. He will probably get some pp time on the point, probably second unit and could move up with Green if he does well.
polishexpress Posted - 09/18/2010 : 23:18:17
How about Tyler Ennis? Is he eligible? Last season he played 10 games with Buffalo, scoring 3g, 9pts. I think 9 games is when the rookie contract takes effect, but does it discount his status for this year's calder?

(IMO, 9-10 games hardly qualifies a player to be counted as a sophomore in the next season he plays.)

Otherwise, I think hall will win it. Just because Hall was picked first doesn't mean there is a curse on him.

I can't say Hall is heads above his competition in skill, but I can bet that his tenacity and willpower is. That's why I think Hall will win.
n/a Posted - 09/18/2010 : 16:01:43
My vote goes to Kadri.

And don't repeat the stuff about him not being big enough or mature enough, take a look at him now. He's very likely to get second line minutes, a huge advantage for a rookie that isn't looked at as a franchise guy. If Kadri gets to play with fairly skilled guys like Versteeg, I think he could have a 50 point season.

But there's no crapshoot (most seasons, anyway) like guessing rookie of the year . . . so tough to predict.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Guest5879 Posted - 09/18/2010 : 15:32:37
Seguin wont make the Bruins

Fowler, Gudbranson, and some of the other rookies wont make it either
Pasty7 Posted - 09/18/2010 : 12:49:11
Originally posted by The Duke

not many talking about kadri. didn`t he score around 27 points in 12 games last year in the OHL playoffs ? or something similar to these numbers anyway...not too shabby.

my worry with Kadri is he hasn`t matured physicaly yet,, he is still in his teenager`s body when he is 6ft 3 200lbs he has all the tools to be a force

The Duke Posted - 09/18/2010 : 11:20:37
not many talking about kadri. didn`t he score around 27 points in 12 games last year in the OHL playoffs ? or something similar to these numbers anyway...not too shabby.
nuxfan Posted - 09/18/2010 : 10:40:48
still wouldn't pick Seguin. How well will he do if he's suddenly thrust into the #1 or #2 centre position in BOS because Savard is out? Too much pressure, too early.

I picked MPS/MP. I think it will be someone that is good, but flies under the radar a bit, and MP is going that this year, with Canadians Hall and Eberle in EDM with him.
Guest2770 Posted - 09/18/2010 : 09:15:38
Wouldn't have picked him yesterday, but reports out of Boston have Savard experiecing(serious) side effects from his concusion last year. You just never know.

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