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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Guest5806 Posted - 10/07/2010 : 23:05:14
is it me or if you get a point on the play it doesn't give you a plus, what gives?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest7886 Posted - 10/08/2010 : 06:32:56
I'm guessing he meant "get a point on the power play" and forgot the word power...

No, being on the ice for a power play goal does not give anyone on the scoring team a + or anyone on the opposing team a -
admin Posted - 10/08/2010 : 01:10:41
if you are refering to your hockey pool and a stat issue please email support at and you'll get a fast response. Please include your pool name and admin password - as well as a detailed description of the problem.

If you are not the organizer of your pool please contact them first and ask. it may just be an incorrect setting that they can easily fix.

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