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 Will Ovechkin Catch Up?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
admin Posted - 11/22/2010 : 11:55:31
We are one quarter of the way into the 2010 NHL regular season. Will Alexander Ovechkin catch up to Steven Stamkos and Sidney Crosby in points by the half way mark?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest0387 Posted - 05/31/2011 : 16:22:18
how can crosby be overated? i dont like crosby as much as i do ovechkin but crosby does have alot more than ovechkin

he has a stanley cup and a olympic gold metal
polishexpress Posted - 11/28/2010 : 15:16:37
Utemin, the year you are thinking of is the 07/08 season. Crosby played only 53 games. But, he scored 72pts.

He missed 21 games from January 18 to March 4 due to a high-ankle sprain, played two games, then sat out the next 7 games. Sure, the Penguins did fine without him, but helped having another superstar to step up in Malkin, and MA Fleury playing consistently.

Crosby is not overrated, he's just over-marketed.
Utemin Posted - 11/28/2010 : 12:21:41
Originally posted by Oilearl

WOW take your personal opinion and stick to what is happening on the ice. I'm so tired of hearing the banter about Crosby. He is the benchmark in the league for leaders and skilled players period. If he got hurt the penquins would be lost. Stamkos will challenge Crosby and Ovie is always a threat too. I would think by the style of play of these three that it would be Ovechkin that is at risk of injury. I hope they all stay healthy because they are fun to watch!!!

He got hurt a few years ago and they did well without him..

The Monkey is me
Oilearl Posted - 11/28/2010 : 11:53:35
WOW take your personal opinion and stick to what is happening on the ice. I'm so tired of hearing the banter about Crosby. He is the benchmark in the league for leaders and skilled players period. If he got hurt the penquins would be lost. Stamkos will challenge Crosby and Ovie is always a threat too. I would think by the style of play of these three that it would be Ovechkin that is at risk of injury. I hope they all stay healthy because they are fun to watch!!!
Utemin Posted - 11/27/2010 : 18:34:48
Crosby is over-rated in some aspects, like his play making skill but is under rated in other areas like his snipe. I still question how Crosby gets 110 points a year and Kunitz only gets 40. Powerplay would change about 40 of those points but wouldn't Kunitz get at least 60. That is how Crosby is Over-Rated doesn't use all his players that are not equal to him.

The Monkey is me
n/a Posted - 11/27/2010 : 18:11:39
Crosby is definitely not overrated . . . he is a phenomenal, top two or three player, and has been for the last few years. Same as Ovechkin.

What is in question is whether Stamkos belongs in the same company, after a very strong sophomore season and this year's incredible start.

We'll see; but I think he'll be just a step below the first two.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Alex116 Posted - 11/27/2010 : 16:51:48
Originally posted by Guest5012

Crosby is over rated as a player one of these days he will get injured as well as Stamkos and then Ovechkin will pas the both of them he is just in a faze and will come out of it

Dumbest / Stupidest comment of the month, and just in time seeing as the month is almost over!
Guest5012 Posted - 11/27/2010 : 11:47:33
Crosby is over rated as a player one of these days he will get injured as well as Stamkos and then Ovechkin will pas the both of them he is just in a faze and will come out of it
Guest9733 Posted - 11/27/2010 : 00:49:45
Crosby 60
Stamkos 58
Ovechkin 51
Guest2766 Posted - 11/25/2010 : 14:08:40
stamkos.60 crosby 57 ovechkin 53
Utemin Posted - 11/23/2010 : 17:24:21
Originally posted by Alex116

Originally posted by Utemin

Half way mark Maybe just by a bit, when is the half way point?
If start of January
Stamkos 51 points
Ovechkin 47 points
Crosby 44 points

The Monkey is me

Interesting opinion. Are you predicting an injury for Stamkos or something? To be at 51, he needs just 18 pts in his next 20 games. After running at a 1.7 ppg clip over the first 21 games, that's a serious decline! I'll be surprised if he's not at 60+ after 41 games!

Even more interesting is your prediction that Crosby is gonna get a grand total of 9 more points in his next 19 games? Slump? Injury? Or do you not even look at stats???

I was half sleeping at that time, so i was stupid enough to forget half way was 41 points I now relize my stupidity and fixed it.

The Monkey is me
Utemin Posted - 11/23/2010 : 17:21:52
Originally posted by Utemin

Stamkos 64 points
Ovechkin 62 points
Crosby 52 points

The Monkey is me


The Monkey is me
Alex116 Posted - 11/23/2010 : 09:40:56
Originally posted by Utemin

Half way mark Maybe just by a bit, when is the half way point?
If start of January
Stamkos 51 points
Ovechkin 47 points
Crosby 44 points

The Monkey is me

Interesting opinion. Are you predicting an injury for Stamkos or something? To be at 51, he needs just 18 pts in his next 20 games. After running at a 1.7 ppg clip over the first 21 games, that's a serious decline! I'll be surprised if he's not at 60+ after 41 games!

Even more interesting is your prediction that Crosby is gonna get a grand total of 9 more points in his next 19 games? Slump? Injury? Or do you not even look at stats???
Awesome One Posted - 11/22/2010 : 14:53:54
No, I think Stamkos will hold up and barely beat out Ovechkin and Crosby for the scoring title.

There was once a license plate in Toronto that abbreviated "Go Leafs" it read "Golfs".

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