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 vancouvers most hated

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Guest0387 Posted - 06/02/2011 : 16:59:23
who is vancouvers biggest threat from boston
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest0906 Posted - 06/06/2011 : 12:40:03
Bergeron. With 9 fingers he'll be on a rampage!
Alex116 Posted - 06/05/2011 : 23:00:53
Can't remember who it was, but it might have been Ferraro but someone was asked "who will Canucks fans hate most by the end of this series" and his answer was Brad Marchand.

Yes, he plays that irritating role, is still very skilled and effective, etc, but the best part was his reasoning. "Canucks fans will hate this guy.....i mean, just look at him!!!!".
n/a Posted - 06/04/2011 : 23:25:52
Bergeron, with a close second coming from Chara. With Chara, if he is able to control the Sedins and shut them down is where I am coming from with that thought.

But Bergeron is the key, I think - for Vancouver to shut down, and for Boston they need him to dominate and have a great series.

Tough to leave out the goalie, but really, if Thomas just plays average (as I thought he did for most of the playoffs, great one game, not so good the next), Boston could win with a phenomenal series from Bergeron - playing great D, creating offence, matched up against the other team's top line, winnning key faceoffs. He's quite a player when he's 'on'.

Don't see it happening, but there it is.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Seventy7Fifty2 Posted - 06/03/2011 : 14:19:39
Originally posted by Guest0387

who is vancouvers biggest threat from boston

If he gets going - watch out Vancouver.
nuxfan Posted - 06/02/2011 : 22:54:58
Thomas for sure, he's a very good goalie (VAN has now faced both of the other Vezina candidates). I said it in another thread, if BOS wins the cup I think Thomas will win the Conn Smythe, because he'd have to play outstanding hockey for them to take this series.
Alex116 Posted - 06/02/2011 : 17:15:59
I think Thomas is far and away the biggest threat to the Canucks. I can't see any of their forwards being able to take over the series and/or steal games the way Thomas is capable of. Perhaps Chara in shutting down the offensive talent the Canucks have, but he's not on the ice at all times (though it seems like it).

Thomas has to steal a game or two for Boston to win the Cup IMO.
Guest0387 Posted - 06/02/2011 : 17:01:31
made a mistake while making poll so if their is any other players that you think are a big threat please say it in comments

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