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 Burrows...Canucks MVP?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
onecup Posted - 06/05/2011 : 09:36:54
Just throwing this one out there but...what is the definition of an MVP? How do you define value?

Is it the guy who consistently gives you a good effort even when he's hurt?

Or is it the goalie who makes the big save when needed...even if he was pulled after giving up 12 goals in 2 games?

Or the top scorer who still weaves his magic but can be made to disappear? it the guy you can point to and say we wouldn't be where we are today without him? Game 7, Chicago. OT goal. I'm not suggesting one goal makes an MVP but that PLUS his OT winner and three point night against Boston in game 2 PLUS he's tied with Daniel Sedin for the Canucks goal scoring lead...but 2 of Alexandre's were in OT...PLUS his super-pest activities that get under the oppositions skin and into their do you quantify that?

Now pardon me while I really stretch a metaphor...

It takes a grain of sand to make a pearl...and I think that in this oyster of a Stanley Cup playoff Alexandre Burrows has become
that grain of sand.

The harder you pull the trigger, the farther the bullet goes...
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - 06/06/2011 : 05:31:16
Burrows is reminding me a lot of Claude Lemieux, at least from a "results" standpoint, together with the tag as a pest with skill (Lemieux was a much dirtier player, IMHO).

And it's a great point, that without the O/T winner against Chi-town, they are not here, perhaps. He comes out with these absolutely phenomenal efforts in overtime, and it's pretty hard to ignore at this point. He's also been the best player so far in the finals.

If he has another game like game #2, I think he will be the front runner for the Conn Smyth winner. Yes, Kesler was great throughout, but . . . at this point, he is at least tied with Burrows on games each has won "on their own", with Burrows' games meaning a heck of a lot more (game 7 vs Chicago, Game #2 in the finals to come back and win it).

Right now, I edge out Kesler and Luongo with Burrows, but it's real close.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Guest8149 Posted - 06/05/2011 : 21:56:08
The playoffs aren't over yet, but if the Canucks prevail (which looks likely), the Conn Smythe Trophy is most likely going to be awarded to Kesler, but as Nuxfan suggests, Luongo has to be a consideration too. It's close though with no one player as a clear front-runner.

As far as Burrows is concerned, he could do it too, but he would need to bring on another one or two games where he plays a decisive role. If he does win the Conn Smythe, he will join a few other players who were known as much for their gritty (or dirty play) to have won the award as the playoffs MVP, and that includes Ron Hextall (1987) and Claude Lemieux (1995).

Most Conn Smythe award winners were also classy players as well as great players, this list includes the likes of Belliveau (first winner of the award in 1965), Orr, Lafleur, Robinson, Gretzkty, Lemieux (Mario of course), Sakic, Yzerman and Lidstrom to name the obvious.
No disrespect to the Canucks (a team for which I'm cheering), but Kesler or Luongo (and
Burrows for sure) do not belong in a category of great and classy players, at least not yet.
nuxfan Posted - 06/05/2011 : 10:38:27
The Canucks seem to give birth to a new MVP candidate every game they play these days... the list is endless. Burrows numbers certainly do warrant consideration - he has already done all the things that make Horton a contender for BOS with the clutch goals, and has provided all the other things we expect from him. Last night was a truly great performance from him.

On that thought...I have to think that Luongo is starting to get some consideration as well. The first 2 games have been goaltender battles, and even though Thomas has been the more-challenged goaltender overall, I do think that Luongo has played extremely well. I know that CBC talked about his numbers in the postseason, but its worth looking at again. SInce game 6 of the first round, Luongo has amassed an 11-3 record, with a ridiculous GAA under 2 and a SV% near .950, and 2 shutouts. In fact, if you take those 2 blowout games vs CHI out of the equation, he is likely close to those stats for the entire playoffs. He has been a steady presence that has been getting better as the rounds go on. A few more games like the first 2, and it could be his.

However, at this point, I still give the MVP to Kesler. His presence has been felt in every round so far, either defensively or offensively. He is the backbone of this team right now.

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