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 Playoff format?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nuxfan Posted - 06/12/2011 : 18:13:26
We had a piece on one of the Vancouver radio stations talking about teams lobbying for changes to the playoff format in coming years - specifically, moving to a 2-3-2 format (2 at home, 3 on the road, 2 at home), similar to the NBA. This year has highlighted the severe travel schedule required if an extreme west team meets an extreme east team, and that format would certainly alleviate some of the travel stresses.

So - do you want to see a move to a 2-3-2 format, or stick with the existing 2-2-1-1-1?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BucketHead Posted - 06/14/2011 : 11:58:18
why would you want 1-2-2-1-1 that would do nothing to help with wear-out. 2-3-2 would not be great as shown with the nba finals this year. there is no home ice advantage in MY MIND.
Guest9920 Posted - 06/14/2011 : 10:04:46
Originally posted by nuxfan

We had a piece on one of the Vancouver radio stations talking about teams lobbying for changes to the playoff format in coming years - specifically, moving to a 2-3-2 format (2 at home, 3 on the road, 2 at home), similar to the NBA. This year has highlighted the severe travel schedule required if an extreme west team meets an extreme east team, and that format would certainly alleviate some of the travel stresses.

So - do you want to see a move to a 2-3-2 format, or stick with the existing 2-2-1-1-1?

why not 1-2-2-1-1
n/a Posted - 06/13/2011 : 11:01:08
Travel being a stress is overrated.

I like the way it is, seems the most fair. I truly think that the 2-3-2 thing is not as fair, although unless it's switching every single game, it's not truly fair I suppose.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
Oilearl Posted - 06/12/2011 : 19:49:19
2-2-1-1-1 for me as well I like the ending to be as it is where home game advantage is meaningful.
Beans15 Posted - 06/12/2011 : 19:22:32
I too am a fan of the 2-2-1-1-1 system. Frankly, this extreme east/west travel thing is a joke. Back in the day it was often an extreme east/west travel when the seeding was 1 vs 16, etc. That was before comfy chartered first class flights and before standardized game times regardless of east or west coast.

Travel is irrelevant.
Alex116 Posted - 06/12/2011 : 18:48:52
I like it the way it is as well. If a road team can steal a game outta the first two, they could suddenly wrap up the series by winning their home ones and the team with home ice advantage suddenly doesn't see another home game?
nuxfan Posted - 06/12/2011 : 18:15:30
I am personally a fan of the current system.

- I cheer for a western team, and I think they handle the extreme travel better than the east, so I see it as a slight advantage for my team anytime they face the east.

- I think that the 3 middle games in the away rink actually give an advantage to the lower-ranked team. In this year's final for example, I would have hated to see a 3rd game in BOS after the Canucks got spanked in the first 2, it would have been a decided advantage for the Bruins IMO.

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