T O P I C R E V I E W |
andyhack |
Posted - 08/02/2011 : 21:53:51 For years the Bruins management took loads of criticism. In 2007 Neely comes in and a few laters he becomes President. And then...  
How much of an effect do you think he had, and why? |
8 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Pasty7 |
Posted - 08/07/2011 : 00:11:07 quote: Originally posted by andyhack
quote: Originally posted by Pasty7
i Really think he hurt his team, i know this sounds stupid seeing how they won the cup but in round 1 when they went down 2 games to the all mighty habs He publicly stated anything less than the conference final is unacceptable and he would have Julien and the coaching staff's head for the failure, now i know people are going to argue that, that's what woke them up and motivated them to storm back and win the next 3 games, but i would beg to differ ,, both game 3 and 4 the Bruins were out played on the ice and it really was a couple bounces that went their way that got them those two win's, the Bruins played worse in game 3 and 4 than they did in 1 and 2 and i think Neely's comments publicly putting the pressure on Julien hurt the team and Julien;s phsyc,,, i really didn't like the way he publicly put the pressure on his team and coaching staff,,, yet it did work so i may have just written a 200 odd words that translate to "bla bla bla they won the cup"
"I led the league in "Go get 'em next time." - Bob Uecker
I'm pretty sure I heard the "Conference Final" comment before the playoffs started and in my opinion it was a terrific comment. Very appropriate. They had won one round the previous two seasons, losing in disappointing ways each time. And it was a good move to say the Conference Final and not to say "the Cup or nothing." Less pressure after getting to the final four.
I think I also heard or read somewhere that players actually were scared to see Neely in the hallways after games where they clearly didn't give their all. To me this is a great thing and for that reason I would say he had at the very least a bit of an effect, and maybe more.
And I admit the Bs had the bounces this year, but whether they were so clearly outplayed in Games and 3 and 4, and whether their win over the Habs was "fluky at best" is debatable. The second half of Game 3 yes (but no more than the Bs outplayed the Habs in Game 1). Parts of Game 4 yes. But, in both games 3 and 4 the Bs clearly earned the victories as a team (and not just due to Timmy T), capitalizing early and playing solidly to hold on in Game 3, and absolutely defining the word "resilience" in a brilliant Game 4.
i think the abs bruins series was the best of the playoffs by far and i think even the most bias of bruins or habs fans can agree both team played great hockey in that series and neither team win or lose would have had anything to be ashamed of.. but i do remeber distintcly a comment wen the series was transfering to mtl where Neely basicly said if julien doest win he is dead, and their were even rumours that neely would take his place behind the bench if the b`s went down 3 zip, even if all those rumours were not generated by neely himself i am sure it had a negative effftect just the same on the team............................... dam i type well when im ddddd runk dn<t you fin mr . andyhackle? good night my friends a demain!
"I led the league in "Go get 'em next time." - Bob Uecker
andyhack |
Posted - 08/06/2011 : 17:52:50 quote: Originally posted by Pasty7
i Really think he hurt his team, i know this sounds stupid seeing how they won the cup but in round 1 when they went down 2 games to the all mighty habs He publicly stated anything less than the conference final is unacceptable and he would have Julien and the coaching staff's head for the failure, now i know people are going to argue that, that's what woke them up and motivated them to storm back and win the next 3 games, but i would beg to differ ,, both game 3 and 4 the Bruins were out played on the ice and it really was a couple bounces that went their way that got them those two win's, the Bruins played worse in game 3 and 4 than they did in 1 and 2 and i think Neely's comments publicly putting the pressure on Julien hurt the team and Julien;s phsyc,,, i really didn't like the way he publicly put the pressure on his team and coaching staff,,, yet it did work so i may have just written a 200 odd words that translate to "bla bla bla they won the cup"
"I led the league in "Go get 'em next time." - Bob Uecker
I'm pretty sure I heard the "Conference Final" comment before the playoffs started and in my opinion it was a terrific comment. Very appropriate. They had won one round the previous two seasons, losing in disappointing ways each time. And it was a good move to say the Conference Final and not to say "the Cup or nothing." Less pressure after getting to the final four.
I think I also heard or read somewhere that players actually were scared to see Neely in the hallways after games where they clearly didn't give their all. To me this is a great thing and for that reason I would say he had at the very least a bit of an effect, and maybe more.
And I admit the Bs had the bounces this year, but whether they were so clearly outplayed in Games and 3 and 4, and whether their win over the Habs was "fluky at best" is debatable. The second half of Game 3 yes (but no more than the Bs outplayed the Habs in Game 1). Parts of Game 4 yes. But, in both games 3 and 4 the Bs clearly earned the victories as a team (and not just due to Timmy T), capitalizing early and playing solidly to hold on in Game 3, and absolutely defining the word "resilience" in a brilliant Game 4. |
Oilearl |
Posted - 08/06/2011 : 14:25:10 I said a bit too he was probably more effective for the media and fans as face they showed during key situations good or bad. The players and coaches were focused on the on ice developments during playoffs. As far as prior to them he should be given kudos for his role in the success they enjoyed!! |
willus3 |
Posted - 08/04/2011 : 09:19:25 quote: Originally posted by Alex116
Pasty / Slozo.... Just goes to show you how tough it is to win the cup eh? I mean, making the post season is the easy part really, but once there, so many lower seeds are capable of the upset nowadays. Just look at the two finalist, Boston and Vancouver. BOTH, went to game 7 in round 1. BOTH of those, went to OT!!! How crazy is that? BOTH of those finalists could have very easily been golfing after the 1st round!
Pretty crazy stuff. 
Not directed at you specifically Alex and not to derail the thread but you bring up a potentially interesting conversation. To what do you suppose we attribute the recent proliferation of game 6's and 7's? Cue the "parity" responses. This may warrant it's own thread...
Alex116 |
Posted - 08/04/2011 : 08:21:32 Pasty / Slozo.... Just goes to show you how tough it is to win the cup eh? I mean, making the post season is the easy part really, but once there, so many lower seeds are capable of the upset nowadays. Just look at the two finalist, Boston and Vancouver. BOTH, went to game 7 in round 1. BOTH of those, went to OT!!! How crazy is that? BOTH of those finalists could have very easily been golfing after the 1st round!
Pretty crazy stuff.  |
n/a |
Posted - 08/04/2011 : 06:23:46 I voted a bit, but not much.
I think the effect was largely that of having a well-known Boston legend becoming the face of management, that's it. It inspires you to some degree, to be held accountable by management that has excelled where you are now (as a player). It also brought a degree of stability, confidence, and like I said, brought a face to the management.
The "threat" after those two games was a bit over the top, IMHO, at the time . . . but it sort of seemed to work, I suppose, if going by results. As pointed out, however, if going by straight up play . . . it certainly didn't have that inspiring effect, per se.
What can ya say? I thought the Bruins making it past the Canadiens was fluky at best. But they got better and better, and Thomas really stole the show in the finals.
I suppose it's all a moot point now. Lucky for Neely!
"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug |
Pasty7 |
Posted - 08/03/2011 : 16:15:47 i Really think he hurt his team, i know this sounds stupid seeing how they won the cup but in round 1 when they went down 2 games to the all mighty habs He publicly stated anything less than the conference final is unacceptable and he would have Julien and the coaching staff's head for the failure, now i know people are going to argue that, that's what woke them up and motivated them to storm back and win the next 3 games, but i would beg to differ ,, both game 3 and 4 the Bruins were out played on the ice and it really was a couple bounces that went their way that got them those two win's, the Bruins played worse in game 3 and 4 than they did in 1 and 2 and i think Neely's comments publicly putting the pressure on Julien hurt the team and Julien;s phsyc,,, i really didn't like the way he publicly put the pressure on his team and coaching staff,,, yet it did work so i may have just written a 200 odd words that translate to "bla bla bla they won the cup"
"I led the league in "Go get 'em next time." - Bob Uecker
fat_elvis_rocked |
Posted - 08/03/2011 : 09:26:54 I'd have to say, and did, a bit. Arguably more than that, as any time you have a player of Neely's reputation and legacy, in the organization, much like Steve Yzerman and the Lightning, it should inspire the players to play to their potentials, using legends like these as their models, but, even though that could be attributed to both of these teams success as of late, there is still the Gretzky/Coyote debacle to consider. 
I think when it works, it's easy to attribute the success to the name, but, when it doesn't, it's even easier, and that's where I am not sure how much affect the name actually has. Neely got front office involved when the team was already on the upswing, IMO, getting Julien probably had more impact. Tampa Bay had an off year, Stevie Y, got there when they started playing back to where they should.
Gretzky? The 'yotes' just weren't that good, and it had little to do with him, and more to do with the assemblage of players. |