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 My Playoff Goalie

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
admin Posted - 04/04/2007 : 12:56:18
Playoff Pools are now available! >>>

You're heading into the Playoffs. You can choose one goalie to backstop your team to the Stanley Cup. Who's it gonna be? Why?
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest4435 Posted - 04/06/2007 : 04:51:04
tretiak-best ever
andyhack Posted - 04/05/2007 : 08:44:24
As a Ray Bourque fan, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the way Patrick Roy played in Game 6 of the 2001 finals, so he gets my vote. Watch the first period of that game if you ever have a chance. That was major clutch time and he came through BIG TIME! Having said that, I do remember Parents heroics fairly well. He'd be a very close second for me. There is a good argument to put Parent first too as he was a little more stable than Roy who did some crazy things earlier in that series actually. But, as I say, no Roy, no Cup for Ray. I am going the homer route on this one.
Saku Steen Posted - 04/05/2007 : 03:51:06
Brodeur for sure. He is just so good all the time.
leigh Posted - 04/04/2007 : 23:03:36
Originally posted by Guest4024

roy cuz hes gonna wink you to death

hahahahaha!! hilarious!!

Luongo isn't a bad choice. He has been the best goalie this year (close race with Brodeur) Having him on the list adds an extra level of thought I think. But anyhooo, gonna repeat myself, Roy is the s***.
Guest4024 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 21:51:28
roy cuz hes gonna wink you to death
Guest5035 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 21:31:29
As good as Luongo is and as much as I don't believe in the whole "you gotta have playoff experience to be a good goalie" crap (ya, Ward, Kiprusoff and Giguere sure had a lot of playoff experience when they made their runs), I think it would be tough to give it to Roberto over this list of goalies. That being said, I would definitely take Brodeur, as the other guys are probably old and fat by now and Roy is probably too busy beating either his wife or opposing team's GM's. Oh ya, and also because Brodeur is freaking amazing... I almost forgot about that minor detail.
Blubberboy Posted - 04/04/2007 : 20:57:34
Originally posted by Canucks Man

Originally posted by Hemsky83

Roberto Lulongo easily, he is a big reason why Vancouver is doing so well. I mean dont get me wrong they have the sedin brothers, and the naslund, but yet he shows up every night!

TH #17

I dont no who Lulongo is, but Luongo may be making the canucks the team they are now, but who's to say he wont crash and burn in the playoffs, this is coming from a HUGE canucks fan.

Get The Towels Out Guys PLAYOFFS!!!

You guys, you spell his name Luongo, not Lulongo.

Anyway, Roberto all the way!!

Go `nucks
Guest4457 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 20:19:45
deifinately Roy, he's got the intensity and the poised experience to bring it home.

Canucks Man Posted - 04/04/2007 : 20:17:01
Originally posted by 1 Crosby fan

They think he WILL be one of the best thats y and i think so two but i voted Brodeur

Winners never Quit and Quitters never win

I have no doubt that Luongo will be a great playoff goalie, but like I said before nobody knows yet and that is why I dont think he should be included on the list with all those other proven playoff goalies

Get The Towels Out Guys PLAYOFFS!!!
1 Crosby fan Posted - 04/04/2007 : 20:07:58
They think he WILL be one of the best thats y and i think so two but i voted Brodeur

Winners never Quit and Quitters never win
Canucks Man Posted - 04/04/2007 : 19:42:31
Originally posted by Guest6127

WOW. Legends like Brodeur and Roy being matched by a goalie who hasn't ever been to the post season.

My point exactly, Luongo shouldnt even be in the running

Get The Towels Out Guys PLAYOFFS!!!
Guest6127 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 19:10:18
WOW. Legends like Brodeur and Roy being matched by a goalie who hasn't ever been to the post season.
Canucks Man Posted - 04/04/2007 : 17:39:19
Originally posted by Hemsky83

Roberto Lulongo easily, he is a big reason why Vancouver is doing so well. I mean dont get me wrong they have the sedin brothers, and the naslund, but yet he shows up every night!

TH #17

I dont no who Lulongo is, but Luongo may be making the canucks the team they are now, but who's to say he wont crash and burn in the playoffs, this is coming from a HUGE canucks fan.

Get The Towels Out Guys PLAYOFFS!!!
Hemsky83 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 17:32:57
Roberto Lulongo easily, he is a big reason why Vancouver is doing so well. I mean dont get me wrong they have the sedin brothers, and the naslund, but yet he shows up every night!

TH #17
Canucks Man Posted - 04/04/2007 : 16:23:46
It has got to be Patrick Roy hands down the guy was an amazing player, watching him freak out was awesome I gotta give credit to Parent though the stories ive herd about him, wow he was good. I to would not vote for Luongo even though I think he's great, he could turn into Dan Cloutier in the playoffs for all we know.Perhaps one day he will go down as the best playoffs goalie ever, but for all we no Dany Sabourin could perhaps become the best playoff goalie ever.

Get The Towels Out Guys PLAYOFFS!!!
Guest2898 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 16:10:44
Originally posted by Guest2831

I am a huge Canucks fan but don't see the logic behind picking Roberto Luongo. The guy is great I agree, and possibly the best in the game today, but he has absolutely zero playoff experience. I dont know about any of you but I wouldn't be risking my playoffs on a guy who has never played a playoff game in his life if I had the choice of any goaltender ever to play the game!

couldn't have said it better myself. I went with Roy with Brodeur being my next pick.
leafsfan1 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 16:05:24
patrick roy he is experienced he won a few cups

Go Leafs Go
Leafs Rock Planet Posted - 04/04/2007 : 15:29:47
Patrick Roy no questions asked. I take him any day over anyone on that list.

Leafs 4 Playoffs!!
Beans15 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 15:20:48
Conn Smythe and a Cup as a rookie. Youngest player to win the Conn Smythe. Took two different teams to the Cup. 3 Conn Smythe's. Best quote in Stanley Cup History.

"I can't hear what Jeremy says, because I've got my two Stanley Cup rings plugging my ear."

Patrick Roy is my pick hands down.
leafsfan_101 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 15:13:34
I have to go with Roy. 151 wins, 23 shotouts and a 2.30 G.A.A. is nothing short of spectacular. Then he has three Conn smythe's and 4 Stanley Cups. It's hard not to choose him.

Long Live Leafs Nation!!
I HATE CROSBY Posted - 04/04/2007 : 14:59:11
Anyone who was a gaolie at any level in the past 20 years has got to pick Patrick Roy....
That guy changed what it meant to be a goalie......He WAS the Montreal Canadians.....He was the first goaltender to be the face of his team.

Roy has 3 conne Smythes....Brodeur NONE
Ken Dryden played on a dynasty...Roy's Canadians stumbled into the playoffs every year and relied on Patrick to bail them out..Dryden the best? Ya right...Maybe the best goalie to also practice law, but that's about it....he had about 15 shots a game ladies and gents......

Look folks, Roy wasn't just the best playoff goalie...He was the best PLAYER in playoff history ...I think his 3 conne smythes is the record......That 1993 performance is the greatest playoff performance of all time..10 straight OT wins...And of course the famous wink...Not to mention he put the gretz led kings in their place....

willus3 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 14:22:52
Bernie Parent. If he carried the Flyers to 2 cup wins he should be able to with my team too. He was out-freaking-standing. Funny....he's on my GOAT team.
Guest4722 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 14:08:35
How could I be the only one who voted for Jake the Snake? Is seven Vezinas not enough? Or the numerous Stanley Cups?
leigh Posted - 04/04/2007 : 14:08:17
Roy I think. That guy was a playoff god! didn't he get 10 straight playoff wins one season?

Ya I wouldn't pick Luongo for that reason too, no playoff experience. But the guy is good and he'll definitely get some this year! even if it will ony be 1 round!
Buddyno2000 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 14:06:23
I said Roy, I hate the guy but when you want to win you want to win

Go leafs Go by the way
Guest2831 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 13:57:08
I am a huge Canucks fan but don't see the logic behind picking Roberto Luongo. The guy is great I agree, and possibly the best in the game today, but he has absolutely zero playoff experience. I dont know about any of you but I wouldn't be risking my playoffs on a guy who has never played a playoff game in his life if I had the choice of any goaltender ever to play the game!
Mikhailova Posted - 04/04/2007 : 13:53:37
Ken Dryden hands down.
The_only_Odelein_fan Posted - 04/04/2007 : 13:41:02
I vote for Dryden because he's the best that's all.

Lyle Odelein is always on my mind!
ED11 Posted - 04/04/2007 : 13:26:31
Brodeur...He is going to finish his career his the most wins all time and probably the most shutouts as well. Why pick anyone else?
manninm Posted - 04/04/2007 : 13:23:01
Patty Roy. Without a doubt the most clutch playoff goalie ever.

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