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 Best Midget Hockey player in Alberta

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Oil Posted - 01/23/2008 : 09:36:29
Who is the best midget hockey player in Alberta?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest1077 Posted - 02/22/2008 : 22:14:58
Hello. My name is Neal Nachman and I am with the Tampa Bay Bolts Junior
Hockey Team in Tampa, FL. I am currently recruiting players for our '08-'09 season.
If you have any players that might be interested in playing Junior Hockey, please have them
visit our website where they can sign up for our tryouts.

Tryouts for the Tampa Bay Bolts Junior Team are set for May 10th from
4:30pm-6:30pm and May 11th from 10:30am-12:30pm. Tryouts will be held at our home
rink at Ellenton Ice Sports Center in Ellenton, FL. Players can register for
tryouts on our website at

Thanks for your time.


Neal Nachman
Tampa Bay Bolts
hkalirah Posted - 02/19/2008 : 13:14:31

My guess is that the person who posted the poll is one of the players mentioned in the poll. The others are his friends.

Am I right?

Go Wings Go!
irvine Posted - 02/06/2008 : 16:35:52

being from the Maritimes (New Brunswick,) I have never heard tell of any of these guys. So, I can't vote.

Even looking at stats, never seen them play or anything... does me no good. Stats can be deceiving at times.

willus3 Posted - 02/06/2008 : 15:55:46
Originally posted by Oil

What's up with you guys? Do future prospects not interest these poolies. We need more effort and enthusiasm in this poll.

There are few hockey players who grab my attention while in Midget.

"Curiosity killed the cat but for awhile, I was the suspect."
-- Steven Wright
Oil Posted - 02/06/2008 : 14:10:01
What's up with you guys? Do future prospects not interest these poolies. We need more effort and enthusiasm in this poll.
Guest4912 Posted - 01/23/2008 : 14:00:00
I apologize for my actions and will look at the rules

my deepest apologies
nashvillepreds Posted - 01/23/2008 : 13:57:34
I have no clue who these people are. I'll have to look it up before i decide who I will pick

Ellis or Mason?

Go Preds Go!
Guest4912 Posted - 01/23/2008 : 09:54:04
[CONTENT REMOVED - Guest4912 this web site is about hockey in general. It doesn't have to be exclusively about the NHL. This is a very valid poll and adds value to our user's experience who may follow major minor hockey. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM PERSONAL ATTACKS! Please also visit the rules and guidlines for participating in our forums - specifcally rule number 1 ]
Oil Posted - 01/23/2008 : 09:38:53
Rory Exshaw is the best ever. The way he rushes the puck is amazing. No one can catch him. Teh scouts are really missing an excellent player.

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