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 Trade Deadline- Big Name Blockbusters

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Leafs Rock Planet Posted - 02/22/2008 : 13:27:22
With the 2008 trade deadline fast approaching us, which big name star would you like to see on the move?

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alex Posted - 02/24/2008 : 05:29:41
The hardcore contenders are unlikely to make a big splash because who knows what it does for morale and chemistry.

If anything, it is the shaky teams that want a little push that do things like this.

Someone mentioned an aquisition of Olli on Dallas. First off, where do you put him on a team that is hot as hell lately? Secondly, the guy has not had a post season game since before the NHL, who knows how he will play?

And Jokinen for Koivu and Plekanec... you serious? Right now it is Kovalev with the support of Koivu and Plekanec. Imagine if you shift the responsibility from 3 players to 2.

Not happening

Habs get number 25 this year
pensfan17 Posted - 02/23/2008 : 18:51:17
Originally posted by shinnyafterschool

according to the hockey news:
Jokinen for Koivu and Plekanec
Any thoughts regarding that?

"Desire is the most important factor in the success of any athlete. "

Montreal wouldn't trade their captain.
Gostarsgo12 Posted - 02/23/2008 : 18:29:55
Originally posted by Patchy

I would like to see Olli Jokinen moved to Dallas, there are rumours about this happening and it would be great to see him lift the cup, or even play a playoff game for once.

~~Go Leafs Go~~

I was just wondering why your picture is the Blackhawks logo but your signature is Go Leafs Go

Go Stars
Gostarsgo12 Posted - 02/23/2008 : 17:48:23
Originally posted by shinnyafterschool

according to the hockey news:
Jokinen for Koivu and Plekanec
Any thoughts regarding that?

"Desire is the most important factor in the success of any athlete. "

Bad trade for Montreal why would you trade Plekanec who has such good chemistry with Kovalev. Im pretty sure that deal wont go through

Go Stars
shinnyafterschool Posted - 02/23/2008 : 17:46:55
according to the hockey news:
Jokinen for Koivu and Plekanec
Any thoughts regarding that?

"Desire is the most important factor in the success of any athlete. "
irvine Posted - 02/23/2008 : 17:35:58
I'd like to see Richards moved. Mainly because I feel he has the potential to be a better player than he produces for.

He needs to be on a team where he is a first liner.

Gostarsgo12 Posted - 02/23/2008 : 17:31:11
Originally posted by Patchy

I would like to see Olli Jokinen moved to Dallas, there are rumours about this happening and it would be great to see him lift the cup, or even play a playoff game for once.

~~Go Leafs Go~~

Ya thats what i like to hear

Go Stars
Patchy Posted - 02/23/2008 : 13:18:45
I would like to see Olli Jokinen moved to Dallas, there are rumours about this happening and it would be great to see him lift the cup, or even play a playoff game for once.

~~Go Leafs Go~~
Gostarsgo12 Posted - 02/23/2008 : 12:13:50
Originally posted by Guest7643

Originally posted by Gostarsgo12

I'd like to see richards moved so tampa can get some cap space to make a trade for a real #1 goalie not a Marc Denis.

If you ask i think back before this year he was one of the most playes.
marc Denis that is.

Go Stars

Did you mean to say Marc Denis is overated. I agree fully. Anyway lets get back to the post id like to see Sundin moved to a contender

Ya that was i trying to say i must accidently erased the word OVERATED from the post.

Go Stars
Guest7643 Posted - 02/23/2008 : 12:10:11
Originally posted by Gostarsgo12

I'd like to see richards moved so tampa can get some cap space to make a trade for a real #1 goalie not a Marc Denis.

If you ask i think back before this year he was one of the most playes.
marc Denis that is.

Go Stars

Did you mean to say Marc Denis is overated. I agree fully. Anyway lets get back to the post id like to see Sundin moved to a contender
Gostarsgo12 Posted - 02/23/2008 : 12:08:33
I'd like to see richards moved so tampa can get some cap space to make a trade for a real #1 goalie not a Marc Denis.

If you ask i think back before this year he was one of the most playes.
marc Denis that is.

Go Stars
Guest8815 Posted - 02/23/2008 : 10:54:31
I know he's not a big name but I want Roloson moved the hell outta E-Town.
nashvillepreds Posted - 02/23/2008 : 10:52:56
Firstly, I already made this poll.

Secondly, Sundin is definitely the best aquisition. He has skill, size, grit, and experince. He's a great leader any team would be lucky to have.

Ellis or Mason?

Go Preds Go!
Alex Posted - 02/22/2008 : 13:47:09
I want to see both Sundin and Campbell moved to contenders, I own them both. I will probably dump Mats if he does not get traded.

As well, no one in my pool has Boyle / Tanguay so put 'em on a good team and I'll jump at them!

Habs get number 25 this year

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