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 Biggest Fantasy Pool Producer at the 1/4 Way Mark?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
admin Posted - 12/02/2008 : 13:54:22
Who has been the biggest point producer in your fantasy hockey pool 1/4 way through the season?
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest4639 Posted - 12/09/2008 : 20:16:45
Danny Carcillo coming on strong with the fights!
goleafsgosjnb Posted - 12/08/2008 : 14:45:06
JUMBO JOE!!! Having Marleau and Boyle don't hurt either. Good call picking me some sSharks eh??!
Odin Posted - 12/08/2008 : 12:40:45
For me, its actually been Carey Price, but as far as forwards go, Joltin' Joe Thornton is finally starting to light it up!
Jephman Posted - 12/07/2008 : 21:43:15
King Henry tops the points on my team, however Getzlaf is a point behind him. I am very pleased the way Getzlaf has played this year, he has really turned into a solid playmaker, let's hope it continues.
Axey Posted - 12/04/2008 : 20:15:49
Originally posted by Guest6198

I think I win this one:

Our pool is 30 players on all 30 teams, 6 poolies. Thus, everyone must pick someone on each team only once. Due to the fact 5 players were chosen on Philadelphia by the 14th round, I got SIMON GAGNE in round 30 because it was impossible for anyone else to pick him. ROUND 30 and he's in the top 5 scoring. Round 30 is like the 177th pick overall - but since Briere, Richards, Carter, Lupul, and Timmonen had already been chosen, I got Gagne. Everyone was worried about concussions and forgot he had two 40 goal seasons, so he's my favorite choice and best producer for me (although Getzlaf has more points, but I picked him 3rd).


That is a pretty sick way to do it, kinda different I think I'll try that in one of mine next year. Unfortunetly Gagne went 4th round in my pool of 15 guys.

Chicago Blackhawks GM

Jesus didn't tap.
Guest0493 Posted - 12/04/2008 : 18:33:31
Marc Savard.
Best 3rd round pick in the history of my life
Guest7752 Posted - 12/04/2008 : 09:01:17
[quote]Originally posted by admin

Who has been the biggest point producer in your fantasy hockey pool 1/4 way through the season?

Guest6198 Posted - 12/04/2008 : 07:24:08
I think I win this one:

Our pool is 30 players on all 30 teams, 6 poolies. Thus, everyone must pick someone on each team only once. Due to the fact 5 players were chosen on Philadelphia by the 14th round, I got SIMON GAGNE in round 30 because it was impossible for anyone else to pick him. ROUND 30 and he's in the top 5 scoring. Round 30 is like the 177th pick overall - but since Briere, Richards, Carter, Lupul, and Timmonen had already been chosen, I got Gagne. Everyone was worried about concussions and forgot he had two 40 goal seasons, so he's my favorite choice and best producer for me (although Getzlaf has more points, but I picked him 3rd).

Guest2984 Posted - 12/03/2008 : 17:58:54
Crosby for me. out of my 24 players I have 8 freaking injured players. I'm last out of 4 people but first for points per man game.
[blue]GO LEAFS GO [/blue]
Guest4272 Posted - 12/03/2008 : 15:17:56
Iggy yo! HE's sick!!!
although it would have been Nabokov if he hadnt gotten injured.
Guest0603 Posted - 12/03/2008 : 13:52:21
Jeff Carter
Guest8303 Posted - 12/03/2008 : 12:17:16
People laughed when I picked up gagne
Now they won't even talk to me xD
I'm first in my pool with Gagne Ovy and Getzlaf
Guest2940 Posted - 12/03/2008 : 10:13:37
I picked up Simon Gagne in the 8th round and he is leading.
Guest5080 Posted - 12/03/2008 : 09:48:10
mine has been devon setoguchi sj late pick
Guest9235 Posted - 12/02/2008 : 22:59:24
Gagne is mine and id be runnin away with my pool if Spezza could start producing, he is 4th lowest on my list, ahead of nillson afinegenov and sykora
Guest8171 Posted - 12/02/2008 : 21:26:04
For me it was Lundqvist in the 9th round. I also have, Iginla (1st round), Getzlaf (4th round), Kane (5th round), and a huge steal, Mikko Koivu in the 20th round. They are right behind King Henry.
pokermatt12 Posted - 12/02/2008 : 21:01:06
mine has been by far ryan getzlaf... stole him in the 4th round in a 12 person draft
Mikey Boy Posted - 12/02/2008 : 20:38:21
Marc Savard @ Jerome Iginla

Axey Posted - 12/02/2008 : 19:30:18
I picked up Mikko Koivu in like the 12th round. Big steal on my part.

Chicago Blackhawks GM

Jesus didn't tap.
Guest8135 Posted - 12/02/2008 : 16:56:47
For me it's Simon Gagne.
Alex Posted - 12/02/2008 : 16:55:26
Malkin's leading the way with 39. I passed up on him for Iginla, so that doesn't feel too good right about now. Getzlaf is the leader on my team after a slow start.

But boy, the goalie picture in my pool is screwed! Brodeur got injured last month (I can officially trade him today) and STILL led all goalies up until two days ago. Meanwhile my dad has Price, who's playing less than he expected, and my brother got Nabokov, who just happens not to play in seemingly every game that San Jose shuts out. Rotten luck on his part.

Oh, and no one took Luongo, Lundqvist or Thomas. So all hell will break loose in a couple hours come trade time

Make sure to cast your votes in the PickUpHockey Hall of Fame
Beans15 Posted - 12/02/2008 : 15:40:25
In a straight points pool, I got Vanek in the 4th round which was nice. Elias is also outdoing all others in the 6th round in my pool. I have both Vanek and Heatley as well. I am sitting in 3rd overall.

The guy leading my pool has Luongo, Malkin, and got Semin in the 7th round. He was on fire for almost the entire month, but there are two of us within 4 points of him.

It's pretty tight right now!
Axey Posted - 12/02/2008 : 14:25:15
For me its Getzlaf, which I expected. Hopefully it will continue, and Iginla is right behind him. This btw is just the guys I have for me. In another pool Ovechkin is just lighting it up.

Chicago Blackhawks GM

Jesus didn't tap.

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