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 Most Disappointing Goalie at the 1/4 pole

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Guest9836 Posted - 12/04/2008 : 06:26:06
This has not been a particularly good year for goalies. Fantasy owners are probably ripping their hair out because of their starters not producing. Which goalie has been the biggest dud of the season so far?
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest6635 Posted - 12/11/2008 : 19:23:07
Turco usually starts slowly, if he is a disappointment to you maybe your expectations of him were too high.
Guest9360 Posted - 12/11/2008 : 13:20:20
Turcs hands down wins it then toskala
Guest9836 Posted - 12/11/2008 : 10:18:11
I'm surprised people aren't giving more (dis)respect to Vokoun, he's been pushed aside by a career backup, and his stats are not great, other than the respectable Sv%. To fantasy owners Vokoun should've been up there with Turco as a bona-fide no.1 starter, but has completely disappointed.

Vokoun - age 32 - 5W - 10L - 0OT - 0.910% - 3.04 GAA
Turco - age 33 - 9W - 12L - 4OT - .876% - 3.41 GAA

Turco has at least been able to get points in 52% of his games, while Vokoun has only got points in 33% of his games

Turco's stats are actually comprable to Osgoode's but no one is saying he's a big disappointment because of the wins

Osgoode - age 36 - 11W - 1L - 4OT - .876% - 3.17 GAA

What a difference the whole team can make on the perception of the goalie.
Guest0946 Posted - 12/10/2008 : 10:26:49
Turco and it's not even close. He should blame Avery for his sh.itty stats this year.
Guest2715 Posted - 12/09/2008 : 13:38:11
Marty Turco by far...lousy teamate also. Trying to pass off the Stars weak season and his lousy performances all on the shoulders of Sean Avery. Can you guess who's trying to protect his rear end? Maybe Hull should get rid of Turco and Tippett. What kind of a coach diminishes the value of a player by saying that he can't see him fitting in the dressing room? The Stars had something against Avery before he even set foot in the dressing room. His comments just gave them an excuse too cry in public..

..anyways, back to goalies, TURCO is the most dissapointing by far...he let's in a weak goal at least once every couple of games, and has been below average since the lockout ended, and the trapezoid was implemented, reducing the goalie from acting like a third D-man. This means he was never that good with rebounds and clearly benefitted from the trap game that was played to boredom before the lockout.

Guest4504 Posted - 12/09/2008 : 09:34:48
Osgood. Ba4tard only splits games with Ty Conklyn. Sh!t
Jephman Posted - 12/08/2008 : 21:05:31
Turco's GAA is 3.38 (Only better than Hedberg and Leclaire), and his Sv% is .876 (Tied for the worst with Osgood, and Leclaire) through 24 games played. He has been a major disappointment, if not the most disappointing.
HabsBiggestFan Posted - 12/04/2008 : 20:31:16
I would have voted for turco, but I decided to go with other. This "other" is Brodeur, what a devastating blow to New Jersey but they seem to be keeping up! He's out for the rest of the season though.... Good thing I didnt pick him.

Montreal bandwagon is full! Please catch another one.
Axey Posted - 12/04/2008 : 20:19:51
Originally posted by Guest0037

yea turco obviously but dipeitro and legace too

If you don't mind, tell us what high expectations Legace had coming into this season? Turco wins it although I think with Avery gone, he will spark back. He seemed so upset and just gloomy in every interview this season, compared to his usual content self.

Chicago Blackhawks GM

Jesus didn't tap.
Guest0037 Posted - 12/04/2008 : 13:54:28
yea turco obviously but dipeitro and legace too
Guest9836 Posted - 12/04/2008 : 12:45:45
Looks like Turco's going to win one thing this year...
Guest4684 Posted - 12/04/2008 : 08:50:51
the worst goalie so far during the season would have to be Toskala i thought he would be better this season just too inconsistant
Guest9836 Posted - 12/04/2008 : 08:18:01
Who's the other I wonder?

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