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 Biggest franchise surprise of the year so far

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Guest2928 Posted - 12/10/2008 : 16:40:32
Either negatively or positively, what NHL team has surprised you the most so far this season and why?
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ThorntonisTHEMAN Posted - 12/14/2008 : 12:03:19
Originally posted by Guest4943

thrashers... with a guy like kovalchuk how are they not at least a little better than dead last

Hmmm and here I was thinking hockey was a team sport. Oh wait, it is. And that is why Atlanta can't win! Because other than Kovalchuk and Little, their team sucks!

Tha Sharks are loaded but I for one didn't expect them to be THIS good! Especially when Nabakov got hurt for 7 games or whatever!

Biggest Surprise: Boston
Biggest Disappointment: Dallas with Tampa being a distant second

"I'm not dumb enough to be a goalie."
Brett Hull.
Guest4943 Posted - 12/13/2008 : 10:36:56
thrashers... with a guy like kovalchuk how are they not at least a little better than dead last
Guest6163 Posted - 12/13/2008 : 04:50:52
[quote]Originally posted by Guest6163

I am pleasantly surprised on how well the young kids have come together so quickly and the coaching change no doubt is playing a huge role.
We are talking about the Chicago Black Hawks]
Guest6163 Posted - 12/13/2008 : 04:47:57
I am pleasantly surprised on how well the young kids have come together so quickly and the coaching change no doubt is playing a huge role.
Guest8175 Posted - 12/12/2008 : 23:09:55
The Tampa Bay Lightning. It's suprising that a franchise can become so much of a joke in such a short period of time.
Guest2835 Posted - 12/12/2008 : 14:13:41
I think it is the Tampa Bay lightning because they made many off-season moves to get malone, roberts and other players, but they still came out dead.
Guest4904 Posted - 12/12/2008 : 13:40:44
leafs are actually winning games and trying thats whats surprising lol
goleafsgosjnb Posted - 12/12/2008 : 09:51:16
Half those teams aren't suprising anyone. The Leafs were supposed to suck, the Sens have been spiraling downward for a year now, the Sharks are LOADED since they picked up boyle and Blake, etc...

The biggest suprises I think have been the Bruins, I barely expected them to be in the playoff hunt, and the Stars, didn't expect them to melt down.

Oh yeah, I expected a little more from T-Bay just based on Lecavalier and St. Louis's combined awesomeness alone.
Guest4948 Posted - 12/12/2008 : 08:35:55
Didn't think they had the horses up front to score and thought their goaltending was good, but not good enough to carry though for a season. DM Vancouver
Guest0611 Posted - 12/11/2008 : 16:12:23
why are the leafs surprising?
i said boston
Jephman Posted - 12/10/2008 : 17:36:12
The Boston Bruins. They don't have the big names San Jose has yet they are ripping it up thanks to Kessel, Thomas, and Savard among others.
DangleFest89 Posted - 12/10/2008 : 16:59:18
Dallas easily there usually so consistent on making the playoff every year. This year has been one excuss after another.

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