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 Vancouver Backup Goalies

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
leigh Posted - 01/02/2009 : 10:13:09
Who will do the majority of the goaltending for the Vancouver Canucks in Luongo's absence?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest6947 Posted - 01/03/2009 : 11:10:19
Agree with what Bean15 says. Any idea on the salary hit LaBarbera is on the Canucks payroll? Wonder how this impacts getting in another top six or solid d-man for the playoffs.

Savitar Posted - 01/03/2009 : 10:24:22
I'll vote for LaBarbera as well. Sanford played very well and did an admirable job backing up Luongo until he got hurt, but LaBarbera can be a full-time starter. It'll be interesting to see if LaBarbera can earn himself another starting job somewhere if he plays up to his potential with Vancouver.
Beans15 Posted - 01/02/2009 : 14:44:50
I think the fact that Vancouver went out to get a guy like Labarbara tells us one of two things. Either the 20 game "try out" that Sanford and Schnieder have been involved in has not impressed the Vancouver brass OR Luongo's injury is not moving as fast as they are letting on and he will be out for a while yet.

Either way, I am thinking that both Sanford and Schnieder will be looking for work sooner than later. With Labarbara, Vancouver will have a resonably solid back up that will have the ability to give Luongo time off without too much of a sacrifice or give them the ability to transition Luongo back in at a slower pace.

Either way, Labarbara will get the brunt of the load until Captain Luongo returns.
Hustler90 Posted - 01/02/2009 : 14:04:51
Labarbera for sure, he played well in L.A. and his debut with the Canucks was great.
Guest0946 Posted - 01/02/2009 : 13:58:18
Obv. LaBarbera since Luongo and Sanford are both injured.

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