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 Crosby/Ovechkin off ice

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sensfan101 Posted - 05/06/2009 : 04:55:27
I know It is useless to compare who is better But who's style off the ice do you prefer. Ovechkin joking around with the media in his Capitals underarmour or Crosby saying how it's all about the team in his suit.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Guest8467 Posted - 05/06/2009 : 05:02:53
This is actually on ice but Crosby complaining about hats being thrown on the ice after a hattrick was scored must be the lamest thing I have ever heard. Oh save me from the scary hats!

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