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 Is the West the best?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ultimatetitman Posted - 11/02/2006 : 15:08:02
It's an age old arguement that even the Stanley Cup can't decide.

Which is better?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Beans15 Posted - 12/20/2006 : 16:39:17
I would like to see the West Teams play with the travel in the East. Think about this:

In the Atlantic Division, for a team to do a road trip to play all 4 other teams in thier division, they travel 1240 km.

Same thing in the North West Division, the travel would be 7080 km.

I am from Edmonton and looking at thier schedule there are two different time where they play games on consecutive nights with some decent travel. The first is Minnesota one night and Colorado the next. The other situation is Minnesota on night and Calgary the next. In both of those situations, Edmonton will travel more in two days than most teams in the East will have to travel in a week!! I am sure that Edmonton is not the only team in the West that runs into those kinds of situations.

So my vote is to the West. It might be an obscure way of looking at it but, . Adding up all the wins, loses, and ties, the Eastern record is 247-200-59 out of 506 games. That's a .488 win %. The West is 255-200-43 in 498 games. That's .512 win %. Plus, the West does a lot more travel.

(By the way, for any of you that haven't figured it out yet, I am a huge hockey stats geek!)
Trevman12 Posted - 12/20/2006 : 15:58:02
It's close, but the west would get my vote.
Myles06-07 Posted - 11/05/2006 : 07:44:19
The West has usually been the stronger side, BUT the East this year is a little more powerful. I would still have to go with the West on this.
bablaboushka Posted - 11/03/2006 : 07:30:35
No they didn't play the Southeast. They played one against each team from the other two divisions. Their only loss was to Montreal. They even shut-out Ottawa 2-0.
Novie Posted - 11/03/2006 : 05:03:53
Originally posted by bablaboushka
Take San Jose for example: They played 10 games in the East last year finishing 9-1. Is it to say that the West is that much better?

But didn't San Jose play their inter-cnoference games against that weak southeast division and the atlantic (with horible pitsburgh and NYI teams)?

Go Sens
pucker Posted - 11/02/2006 : 15:28:18
I think it is tough to say which is better. Both are competitive. Both are quite different. Right now all of the young stars are in the East. East is more high scoring run and gun hockey, and 9 of the top 10 scorers from last year were from the east. The west is a tighter checking game.

My vote is the East. They have won the last two cups, have Malkin, Crosby, Ovech, Heatley, Spezza, Hossa, Kovalchuk, Buffalo, Staals's's's etc.
bablaboushka Posted - 11/02/2006 : 15:26:31
I think this question really boils down to which is the best division? The best in the East is usually the Northeast (despite the fact the last two Cups come from what has historically been the worst Division - Southeast) and the best in the West is usually a tight one between the Pacific and the Northwest. But when you think of it this year, it's more even across the East but the Pacific is dominating the West (well three teams are anyways). It sucks that the two Conferences don't play each other more because it would give a better idea of their comparative skill level. Take San Jose for example: They played 10 games in the East last year finishing 9-1. Is it to say that the West is that much better? Now I think they are (not just based on that stat) but when you factor in all the travel they have to make and the slightly different style of play... I give the notch to the West.
ultimatetitman Posted - 11/02/2006 : 15:17:30
Gawd, it pains me to say it, but I think the East is stronger... for a change.
With teams like Buffalo, Atlanta, and Pittsbugh (yes, Pittsburgh) looking like that are for real, it's tough to argue otherwise. Ottawa will get better and resurface as one of the bettser teams in the league, while traditional contenders like New Jersey and Tampa Bay will improve drastically. Need I even mention the Stanely Cup Champions?
I can really only see two teams out west competing for the Cup, those being Anaheim and San Jose. Any of the western Canadian teams are capable of riding a hot goaltender well into the playoffs, but I seriously doubt the Western Conference will be represented by a Canadian team again any time soon. (I'm a huge Canucks fan - that was hard to type).
Having said all this, however, I am certain the Cup will be won by the west, either San Jose or Anaheim.

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