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 Famous Line Names

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leafsfan_101 Posted - 10/14/2007 : 18:02:12
What are the famous line names?? I know some but I don't know all. Can someone help me here??

GAG Line- ?,?,?
French Connection- Gilbert Perreault,?,?
Kid Line- Jackson,Conacher, Primeau

Any other main ones I sould know??
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
spade632 Posted - 10/15/2007 : 22:06:31
Originally posted by Guest4282

Very interesting topic. To Spade 632, the MPH line for Chicago in the 60's and 70's, are you sure that was Stan Mikita, or was it Pit Martin , that played with Jim Pappin and Dennis Hull ? I seemed to recall Mikita with Cliff Koroll a lot in the early 70's. One other dominant line in the 70's was Philadelphia's trio of Bobby Clarke, Reggie Leach and Bill Barber. They may have been called the LCB line, but I'm not sure. It's not much of a name, but the line was pretty good in its day.

I'm not 100 percent but I'm pretty sure it was Mikita, Pappin and Hull.

Here's another linename though: "The 2 Kids & an Old Goat line" — Detroit Red Wings — Henrik Zetterberg, Pavel Datsyuk, and Brett Hull
Mikhailova Posted - 10/15/2007 : 16:39:39
Originally posted by PainTrain

We should make a name for the Heatley-Alfredsson and Spezza line.

The Line of Doom (for us Sabres fans after last year's third round)

How 'bout the Heatfredspezz

Whether in hockey or politics, the Senators have always annoyed me
Guest4282 Posted - 10/15/2007 : 16:02:42
Very interesting topic. To Spade 632, the MPH line for Chicago in the 60's and 70's, are you sure that was Stan Mikita, or was it Pit Martin , that played with Jim Pappin and Dennis Hull ? I seemed to recall Mikita with Cliff Koroll a lot in the early 70's. One other dominant line in the 70's was Philadelphia's trio of Bobby Clarke, Reggie Leach and Bill Barber. They may have been called the LCB line, but I'm not sure. It's not much of a name, but the line was pretty good in its day.
OILINONTARIO Posted - 10/15/2007 : 12:18:08
Gretzky's first linemates were Blair McDonald and Brett Callighen, which was known as the GMC line. Also it is odd that there wasn't one before for the Oilers, but the "Pipeline", I believe, was Bernie Nicholls, Petr Klima, and Joe Murphy.

The Oil WILL make the playoffs.
PuckNuts Posted - 10/15/2007 : 11:43:34
Sorry no dice for the Ottawa line, non of the three scored in the 5th game they played.

A goal a game will be a tough to accomplish...

I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
- - Marshall McLuhan

PuckNuts Posted - 10/15/2007 : 11:38:26
Will there ever be another GAG line.

In this era of hockey to keep a line togather for the entire season just does not seem possible.

I will have to see how Spezza, Heatley, and Alfredsson are doing, they may have a shot...

I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
- - Marshall McLuhan

Beans15 Posted - 10/15/2007 : 10:25:38
There have been TONS of Kid Lines. I remember Graves, Gelinas, and Joe Murphy.

Now, the Oilers commentators are calling it the kid line every time Cogliano and Gagner are on the ice at the same time.

The Kid Line is far over used.

If you are under the age of 15, please do some research before you make a post about anything pre-1997.
spade632 Posted - 10/14/2007 : 22:15:03
"The Flying Frenchmen" — Montreal Canadiens (1917-19) — Didier Pitre, Jack Laviolette, Newsy Lalonde

"The Grind line" — Detroit Red Wings (1990s) — Kirk Maltby, Kris Draper, and Darren McCarty

"The Century line" — Pittsburgh Penguins (1972-76) — Syl Apps Jr., Lowell MacDonald, and Jean Pronovost

"The Mattress line" — Vancouver Canucks (2003-04) — Daniel Sedin, Henrik Sedin and Jason King; after mattress sizes, "Two twins and a king."

"The MPH line" — Chicago Black Hawks (1960s) — Stan Mikita, Jim Pappin, and Dennis Hull

"The Party line" — Chicago Black Hawks (1980s) — Denis Savard, Al Secord, and Steve Larmer

"The Pony line" — Chicago Black Hawks (1945-48) — Max & Doug Bentley, Bill Mosienko

"The Sky line" also — Pittsburgh Penguins (1990s) — Mario Lemieux, Mark Recchi, and Kevin Stevens

"The BBC line" — Carolina Hurricanes (2000s) — Bates Battaglia, Rod Brind'Amour, Erik Cole

"The Crazy Eights" — Philadelphia Flyers — Eric Lindros, Brent Fedyk, and Mark Recchi; so named because they wore the uniform numbers 88, 18, and 8, respectively.

The "Kid Line" — Anaheim Ducks — Corey Perry, Ryan Getzlaf, Dustin Penner

And last but not least, "The MVP line" — Tampa Bay Lightning (2006) — Martin St. Louis, Vincent Lecavalier, Vaclav Prospal

Guest4436 Posted - 10/14/2007 : 21:29:18
The Caps had Capital Punishment
Guest4111 Posted - 10/14/2007 : 20:41:39
The West Coast Express - Todd Bertuzzi , Markus Naslund, Brendan Morrison
Guest4024 Posted - 10/14/2007 : 20:20:16
What about the west coast express 4 years ago? Anyone remember?
andyhack Posted - 10/14/2007 : 19:54:35
In the 30s and 40s the Bruins had the Kraut Line (Woody Dumart, Milt Schmidt and Bobby Bauer). Not sure if you could get away with that name in these politically correct times.

As a kid (way way back in other words), I once worked in a place that had all the old newspapers from the 30s and 40s. When my buddies and I were goofing off (happened once in a while), we'd go through the sports sections of those old papers. Using the box scores for the games, I'd pretend to be Foster Hewitt and broadcast the games for my buddies. From this, we all came to know one thing. That Kraut line was VERY dominant back then!
PuckNuts Posted - 10/14/2007 : 19:26:16
The GAG line was Rod Gilbert, Jean Ratelle, and Vic Hadfield...

I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
- - Marshall McLuhan

Guest0711 Posted - 10/14/2007 : 18:56:20
Heatley, Spezza and Alfredsson have been referred to as the CASH line, Pizza line(promotional giveaways at home games), and the ASH line.
The Smurf line was a pretty good name too. Saku Koivu, Valeri Bure, and Oleg petrov
Kashmire Posted - 10/14/2007 : 18:48:18
Some past ones:

Dynasty Line: Steve Shutt - Jaques Lemaire - Guy Lafleur
Nitro Line: Wayne Cashman - Phil Esposito - Ken Hodge
Trio Grande Line: Clark Gilles - Bryan Trottier - Mike Bossy
Goal a Game: Rod Gilbert - Jean Ratelle - Vic Hadfeild
Million Dollar Line: Bobby Hull - Bill Hay - Murray Balfour
Scooter Line: Doug Mohns - Stan Mikita - Ken Wharram
(no name) Habs 1920 line: Aurel Joliat - Howie Morenz - Billy Boucher

There are some more historic ones.
Leafs Rock Planet Posted - 10/14/2007 : 18:44:00
I remember a couple years back for the Maple Leafs they had the skyline. Niwendyuk, Antropov, and Ponikarovsky.
PainTrain Posted - 10/14/2007 : 18:42:08
We should make a name for the Heatley-Alfredsson and Spezza line.

Eat,Sleep,Watch Hockey,Play Hockey
The Perfect Life!
Kashmire Posted - 10/14/2007 : 18:38:17
There was the EGG line of Elias - Gomez - Gionta.
Guest0711 Posted - 10/14/2007 : 18:38:09
Triple Crown line...that was it. With Dionne, Simmer and Taylor. LA Kings.
Guest0711 Posted - 10/14/2007 : 18:36:10
Production line was Sid Abel, Gordie Howe, and Ted Lndsay.
What about the Legion of Doom?? Lindros, Leclair and Renberg
Mikhailova Posted - 10/14/2007 : 18:10:58
KLM line - Krutov, Larionov, Makarov

Whether in hockey or politics, the Senators have always annoyed me
PainTrain Posted - 10/14/2007 : 18:10:07
Gilbert Perreault, Rene Robert et Rick Martin are the French Connection!

Also a good line. The punch line with Elmer Lach,Maurice Richard and Toe Blake.

Eat,Sleep,Watch Hockey,Play Hockey
The Perfect Life!
Guest0711 Posted - 10/14/2007 : 18:10:03
French Connection was Gilbert Perrault, Rene Robert, and Rick Martin. The production line (I think it was Marcel Dionne, Charlie Simmer and Dave Taylor...not exactly sure if that was right). And the Punch Line

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