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 Greatest Skater You've Seen

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
willus3 Posted - 05/07/2007 : 12:08:05
Who is/are the greatest skater(s) you've seen. You may have to break it down further. Fastest straight line, fastest with agility, smoothest etc...
Fastest straight line - Mike Gartner, Bobby Orr, Pavel Bure, Tony Amonte, Todd Marchant, Russ Courtnall, Paul Kariya
Fastest with agility - Bobby Orr, Yvan Cournoyer, Guy Lafleur, Paul Coffey, Sergei Federov, Paul Kariya, Scott Neidermeyer
Smoothest - Paul Coffey, Bobby Orr, Sergei Federov, Scott Neidermeyer
All of the above combined - Orr, Coffey, Federov and Neidermeyer.

Mike Gartner was ridiculously fast but not overly smooth.
I've got Orr in every category(yes he was that good), but if I'm honest with myself I have to say that Federov is the best at every facet of skating.

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9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
willus3 Posted - 05/11/2007 : 07:39:06
I was reminded of a player I overlooked. Mike Modano is a pleasure to watch skate. Very fast, very smooth.

"You are not your desktop wallpaper"
PuckNuts Posted - 05/11/2007 : 05:55:09
Paul Coffey was an amazing skater, he seemed to take only a couple of strides and he would be down the wing and across your blue line before you had a chance to react.

We all know he wore skates that were way too small, and he would jam his feet into them, and then had the laces cut to remove the skates…

Hypothetically speaking would he still have been a great skater if he wore the proper sized skates…

Lead, follow, or get out of the way...
fly4apuckguy Posted - 05/10/2007 : 21:59:04
Coffey was one guy who I would pay money just to watch him skate. He was unreal.

Yvan Cournoyer needs to get some old-school respect around here, too.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. - Gretz
Guest5221 Posted - 05/08/2007 : 18:20:33
Originally posted by tctitans

Bure's top speed and acceleration was insane, but I would put Bure up there for speed with agility too... I would say that Bure is top 3 (a debatable #1) for being able to control the puck at top speed as well.

Smoothest - Personally, noone compares to Coffey in my mind.

Guy Lafleur on all counts; watch the 77 FInals game 4. Insane.
tctitans Posted - 05/07/2007 : 14:52:13
Bure's top speed and acceleration was insane, but I would put Bure up there for speed with agility too... I would say that Bure is top 3 (a debatable #1) for being able to control the puck at top speed as well.

Smoothest - Personally, noone compares to Coffey in my mind.

willus3 Posted - 05/07/2007 : 14:06:34
Originally posted by Beans15

I would have to agree with Willus almost completely. I would have Orr, Coffey, and Neidermeyer as 1,2,3. The rest are too close to call.

And Willus, where is Savard??? I would put him in there.

Haa!! I can't believe I forgot Savard! There are probably a few more i forgot too.Savard was a brilliant skater. Supremely fast and agile. And he could handle the puck at speed too. Sadly alot of the speedsters can't seem to finish. Guys like Amonte, Courtnall and Marchant.

"You are not your desktop wallpaper"
hithere311 Posted - 05/07/2007 : 14:05:20
Yeah, I was also gonna say Savard is missing.
Beans15 Posted - 05/07/2007 : 12:36:52
I would have to agree with Willus almost completely. I would have Orr, Coffey, and Neidermeyer as 1,2,3. The rest are too close to call.

And Willus, where is Savard??? I would put him in there.
bonfire420 Posted - 05/07/2007 : 12:16:51
Fastest Straight Line - Bure in his prime (didn't call him the "Rocket" for nothing)
Fastest with Agility - Paul Coffey or Sergei Federov
Smoothest - Scott Neidermeyer (he hardly lifts his skates)
All of the above - Tough one but I'd have to say Coffey when he was in his prime...

Nice post Willus...

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