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T O P I C    R E V I E W
defence5 Posted - 11/04/2007 : 05:30:42
If you're a Facebook user, then you can now add and maintain your own hockey stats to your profile page by using the hockey stats application.

There's support for tracking your teams and games, with full goals/assists/points stats support to show off to your mates.


If you're a goalie, then there's support for your stats too...


So if you're a Facebook user (and everyone seems to be), then go and add the hockey stats application now.

From The Blue Line - Toronto Hockey Forum
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mikhailova Posted - 11/04/2007 : 21:27:42
Proudly being the ONLY teenager on the planet who doesn't have a Facebook.

Whether in hockey or politics, the Senators have always annoyed me
fly4apuckguy Posted - 11/04/2007 : 16:54:48
Can I put up my older ones? I doubt anyone wants to see my rec hockey stats...

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