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Forum Admin

2338 Posts

Posted - 09/26/2011 :  09:52:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Poll Question:
Of these legendary American-born hockey players, with whom would you start your new NHL franchise?


Brian Leetch (defense)
Mike Modano (forward)
Tom Barrasso (goal)

PickupHockey All-Star

3670 Posts

Posted - 09/26/2011 :  09:59:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I went Leetch myself, but its almost a tossup between him and Modano - who is more important, your #1 dman or you #1 centre?

As for goalies, I think I'd want Mike Richter instead of Tom Barasso.
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8286 Posts

Posted - 09/26/2011 :  10:33:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Even though I would normally utilize the build from the back out theory, Barrasso was a great goalie but not a #1 building-block type of player. My thing with Leetch is that he was very one-dimensional. He was not a great defensive player. I would take Modano as in his prime, he was one of the elite players in the NHL with really no weakness. Not great defensively but responsible none the less and one of the most dynamic skaters and creative offensive players of his generation.

I take Mike Modano off that list pretty easily.
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4809 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2011 :  04:50:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm not sure if I understand correctly, since you term the question in the present tense.

Are you saying that, if able to go back in my hottub time machine to the early 80s (or perhaps late 70s, actually), having the knowledge now of how these players would turn out to be, which one would I have picked?

Modano, easily.

Barrasso was brilliant for a few years, good for a few more, and that's it. Leetch as mentioned was a very good offensive threat, but IMHO, nothing more other than a defensive liability for at least half his career.

If you had put Chris Chelios on there with Mike Richter . . . totally different answers - I'd have gone Richter at #1, Chelios #2 (I think he was that good).

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
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( )

Posted - 10/05/2011 :  06:11:06  Reply with Quote
I'd take Leetch. Build a team on defence and then get your firepower.
I wouldn''t even consider Barasso. Not because of his ability but his attitude.
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PickupHockey Pro

374 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2011 :  11:57:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by admin

Of these legendary American-born hockey players, with whom would you start your new NHL franchise?

i'll take madano, since he's the youngest at 41
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PickupHockey Veteran

2308 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2011 :  15:04:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I had to go Leech. I think I may be biased here based on lots of time watching him play live early in his career and knowing his incredible playmaking skills. Team defense wasn't a priority when he was in his hayday.

Modano would be a close second based on what I seen of his skill level and how classy a player he was. Again I may be biased here not selecting him first from the list as he was on the other end of some of the rivalrys I enjoyed earlier in his career.

My favorite all time American player not on your list is Brett Hull. I'm threading a line here as he to me will always be a Canadian/American who chose to represent America at the world stage because they would elevate his playing time due to a deep Canadian talent pool. His personality was colorful at best and you could always rely on him for a controversial comment. Thankfully he could back up his personality with an incredible talent on the ice.
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