Forum Admin

2338 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2023 : 00:26:31
April 16, 1:20 am PST - YOUR POOL STANDINGS ARE NOW FINAL! Congratulations to all the pool winners and thank you to all who used the Pool Manager system! We hope you are all set up in your playoff pools now, but if you aren’t it’s never too late to set one up as you can set any start date, AND the system can back date the points if you wish.
April 15, 1:15 pm PST - The final audit of the system stats is complete and the stats for the 2022-2023 regular season are final. If applicable, pool administrators can now add their final bonus points to their pools. We will run the pool calculations one LAST time at 11:59pm PST tonight.
April 15, 12:20 am PST - The NHL has played its final game of the 2022/2023 regular season. DO NOT CONSIDER YOUR STATS FINAL YET. We will conduct a final audit of the system and will call the season around 12pm PST later today (Keep an eye on the message boards for the notice). At that time, pool administrators may add bonus points to their pools, if desired. We will run the pool stats calculations one last time starting at 11:59pm PST tonight.
April 12, 12:24 am PST - The final games of the 2022/2023 NHL regular season are played on April 14. Do not consider your stats and standings final at the completion of that last game. We will conduct the last audit of the season the following day and make an announcement when things are final. Good luck to all!