Forum Admin

2338 Posts |
Posted - 09/21/2006 : 13:03:10
Please ensure you stick to the following rules while using the Pickup Hockey Forums. They are mostly common sense.
1) Please respect your fellow members. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you would like to be treated. Personal attacks are not tolerated.
2) Please make posts in relevant forums provided. If you do not see a relevant forum for your topic in mind, visit our suggestions forum. Moderators will move threads to the correct forum when necessary.
3) The posting of profane, pornographic, or any other generally offensive material is strictly prohibited.
4) Do not use these forums to advertise your products, web sites, or otherwise solicit business or web traffic from the membership as a whole. Spam will be removed. You may however include a link to your website/blog in your signature after reaching 1000+ posts.
5) Please do not argue with the moderator(s) What Admin & Moderators say is the law!
6) Members will be warned when found in violation of the rules. Multiple warnings may lead to a ban.