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 Retired Jerseys

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CaliforniaSeal Posted - 02/12/2008 : 12:14:35
I for one, do not like the idea of retiring Jerseys numbers. I think we should honour jersey numbers but to retire them is stupid. Look at the Montreal Canadiens. I think they only have 1 or 2 single digit jerseys left. In another 100 years players will be forced to wear three digit numbers. And retiring #99 throughout the whole league is ridiculous.

No cup for Dino, what a shame
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PuckNuts Posted - 02/13/2008 : 12:29:12
Well you better hope that they do not retire the number 15.

Did you know that more players have worn the # 15 in the NHL than any other number...

CaliforniaSeal Posted - 02/13/2008 : 09:59:54
What if in the future a player breaks all or most of Gretzky's records and that player wears #15. Should the league retire #15 for good too?

No cup for Dino, what a shame
andyhack Posted - 02/12/2008 : 16:56:54
Teams Retiring Numbers

I don't mind a team retiring a number in some very limited situations. In my view, we have for the most part already covered the guys for which such an honor should be given on our list (plus Howe and maybe 2 or 3 other oldies - the Rocket maybe). I'd prefer if they reserved it to these type of guys because that gives the honor much more meaning. Other great guys can have their numbers honored and a ceremony, etc.

The Bruins have been almost as guilty as the Habs of overdoing it. I love Neely and O'Reilly, but I totally disagree with retiring their numbers. Even Ray may be 50-50 with me, though I understand that one more.

The League Retiring Numbers

In addition to PainTrain's good point on this, I find it unfortunate that the league chose to treat Wayne and his number in an extra-special way. It's one thing to give an award, even one such as a "Greatest Player Ever" Award (though I'd disagree with choice), but it is another thing to be telling teams that this player is special and we "forbid" you to let your players use that number. Perhaps most guys wouldn't want the number, BUT if by chance an up and coming superstar in Dallas, New Jersey, Anaheim etc really wanted to wear 99, and the team really wanted him to do so, I don't think it's right that he is being told by the league that he can't wear it. Forget where you stand on Gretzky being the best ever on this for a second - is there not something wrong in principle with that?

And Alex, I don't care if the player scores 9999 points and breaks 99 records. Gretzky was more than honored enough both during his career (with Harts, All-Star selections...) and after his career before the league decided to throw this at him too. Look at it this way, if the league wouldn't have done this, could anyone say that Wayne has somehow been disrespected by the league. I don't think so. It wasn't necessary.

PainTrain Posted - 02/12/2008 : 15:40:35
Most players wear numbers because of a great player that they loved. #4, #19, #21, #16, I think most of us can say the best players who wore those numbers and other players like to wear those because they liked that player. I think the idea of retiring a number is good. It acknowledges a player who did something spectacular for their team. But I think it should stay as that, a team. It's hard to have a discussion without a Gretzky debate in it LOL. But to that point. I don't think they should have league retired that number. He was a great player but what did he do for the Dallas Stars or the Buffalo Sabres? And as other members stated, I don't think anyone would have the guts to wear that number again anyways.
willus3 Posted - 02/12/2008 : 14:41:49
Originally posted by semin-rules

I dont think numbers should be retired throughtought the whole leaugue
but if 99 wasnt retired, it would almost be sacreligous to wear it, becuase you would not compare to the previous person to wear thtat number

~~~GO STARS~~~

Depends how you look at it. Some view it as paying tribute or acknowledging a hero. Check out how many defensemen still wear the number 4.

"I broke a mirror in my house. I'm supposed to get 7 years of bad luck but my lawyer thinks he can get me 5."
-- Steven Wright
semin-rules Posted - 02/12/2008 : 14:21:28
I dont think numbers should be retired throughtought the whole leaugue
but if 99 wasnt retired, it would almost be sacreligous to wear it, becuase you would not compare to the previous person to wear thtat number

~~~GO STARS~~~
Alex Posted - 02/12/2008 : 14:16:58
Either way PuckNuts, not many players nowadays get their jersey's retired. The Leafs, in the forseeable future at least, have only to worry about number 13. If a player is that good, retire his number, no questions asked.

Habs get number 25 this year
PuckNuts Posted - 02/12/2008 : 13:58:17
I have no problem with the numbers being retired, but some teams like Montreal are going to retire all the low numbers, but so what.

I do like how my team Toronto does it. Honour the numbers of the greats, to allow others to wear them, and retire the few...

As for Gretzky, they really did not have to retire his number 99 throughout the league, who would have the nerve to wear it...I do not think that there has been another player wear the #66 has there, and it was not retired...

Alex Posted - 02/12/2008 : 13:44:20
Originally posted by Guest9168

right on,,,especially the 99 thing..

Hold your horses boys. Gretzky, for all what we say ''if so and so had been healthy'' was above and beyond the next best by 1000 or so points. He is the sole possessor or is tied for 56 NHL records. He put the Oilers on the map. He really is the ''Great One'' and the NHL should honour his almost unbelievable and unfathomalbe career in any way they can.

Bet we would have an influx of players donning 99 if this rule weren't implemented. There are 98 more digits to choose from, a little diversity never hurt anyone.

Habs get number 25 this year
Guest9168 Posted - 02/12/2008 : 12:54:54
right on,,,especially the 99 thing..

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