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Posted - 10/30/2007 :  18:34:20  Reply with Quote
Washington deeeeeeeestryed you last night. I think it is time to sell the team, hang up your shirts, and call it a season. Obviously the Leafs are gonna *cough cough*


PickupHockey Pro

834 Posts

Posted - 10/30/2007 :  19:47:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I hate to be a stickler, but in order to figuratively choke, don't you need to be out in front or at least in the game? The Leafs can't choke...they're not even at the table eating supper.

They're more like the crazy drunk uncle in the back yard who terrorizes your kids, and can't eat because his jaw is wired shut from doing a backflip off of a moving ATV and landing on his face.

Yeah, something like that...

My meds must be wearing off.
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Top Prospect

30 Posts

Posted - 10/30/2007 :  20:30:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
not like im a leafs fan, i hate the leafs, but just because they lost one game baddly doesnt mean there gonna call it quites. it was one game, if every team quite after one blow out, there would be no nhl. it happens to every team regardless. leafs will get back on there feet.
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224 Posts

Posted - 10/30/2007 :  20:38:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wow, I'm very sorry to say that I have never in my life seen a more poorly thought out comment than that of guest 1100. Buddy, they lost bad. It's one game. Earlier in the season they lost 7-1 to Carolina and then the next game won 8-1. You obviously hate the Leafs. But man...I take heat for being a Leafs fan and being "biased" all the time. Well folks there we have it. A comment from a Leaf hater, and well, it's biased.

Senators315 I'm glad you see that it happens to every team.
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Posted - 10/30/2007 :  21:04:16  Reply with Quote
oh no they should definatly call it quits.... look you guys had a good run for the last 100 years or whatever, but enough is enough its hard to watch guys like hal gill play every night while at the same time i could actually enjoy my saturday night by watching a sens game on cbc
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102 Posts

Posted - 10/31/2007 :  08:54:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Me thinks the "guest" just wants to have some fun dissing the Leafs, because he knows some diehard fan is going to get all bent out of shape.
He's probably a Senators fan.

"Alfredsson is not Batman's butler's son."
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PickupHockey Pro

537 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2007 :  20:48:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Not only will the Maples make the playoffs but they are going to win the Cup. You see, when they make the playoffs that is the automatic end to the Senators. Always has been and always will be. We seem to knock Detroit off everytime in recent history as well. Remember little Nicky Borchevsky Detroit fans? I thought you might. We seem to be holding our own these days with four key players not in our line-up. Start slow and finish fast. Look out Bettman because your worst nightmare is about to come true when the Blue and White with the big Maple Leaf crest on their chest hoist the Cup over their heads. Won't that frost your little American plans for growing the game in the U.S. of A.
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PickupHockey Pro

834 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2007 :  20:54:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Antroman

Not only will the Maples make the playoffs but they are going to win the Cup. You see, when they make the playoffs that is the automatic end to the Senators. Always has been and always will be. We seem to knock Detroit off everytime in recent history as well. Remember little Nicky Borchevsky Detroit fans? I thought you might. We seem to be holding our own these days with four key players not in our line-up. Start slow and finish fast. Look out Bettman because your worst nightmare is about to come true when the Blue and White with the big Maple Leaf crest on their chest hoist the Cup over their heads. Won't that frost your little American plans for growing the game in the U.S. of A.

I am impressed with your optimism and dedication to the Leaf Nation.

But I think Bettman is sleeping easy right now, and will be for quite some time.
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Greg Smith

158 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2007 :  14:27:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Bring this up again in 2020

After playing in the NHL, it's hard to watch hockey games.
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PickupHockey All-Star

2918 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2007 :  17:12:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Even then we'll STILL be wondering if the Leafs can ever make the playoffs

Whether in hockey or politics, the Senators have always annoyed me
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Posted - 11/06/2007 :  00:53:52  Reply with Quote
yeah the leafs will make playoffs this year easy. I hate the sens
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PickupHockey Pro

601 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2007 :  01:21:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This just in, Las Vegas book makers give the Toronto Maple Leafs 3-2 odds of making the playoffs before the Toronto Arenas. One insider who asked to remain unamed went on to say "If the Arenas get their hands on the heated blade skates first that could put them over the edge and reverse the odds."
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Posted - 11/12/2007 :  10:31:22  Reply with Quote
I've figured out what the Leafs' problem is...

There are more than 6 teams in the NHL. The Toronto Maple Leafs have never won a Stanley Cup with more than 6 teams in the league!! I suggest that they start getting rid of teams now to give themselves a chance at winning one.

actually right now it looks like that might be their best chance too...
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PickupHockey Veteran

2414 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2007 :  10:44:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Guest9253

I've figured out what the Leafs' problem is...

There are more than 6 teams in the NHL. The Toronto Maple Leafs have never won a Stanley Cup with more than 6 teams in the league!! I suggest that they start getting rid of teams now to give themselves a chance at winning one.

actually right now it looks like that might be their best chance too...

Actually your statement is not true.

The Leafs won the Cup in 1932 when there were 8 teams, and in 1942 when there were 7 teams...

I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
- - Marshall McLuhan

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Posted - 11/12/2007 :  11:03:06  Reply with Quote
Why do the Leafs get made fun of more than the Chicago Blackhawks?? They haven't won since 1961!!!!!

And no Canadian team has won since 1993 so if you are a Sens or Canucks fan you can go to the Hockey Hall of Fame and get close to the Cup there because that is as close as you have ever been. Well maybe other than the early 1900's

If you are an Oilers fan then congrats from back in the 80's!! See you there Marty McFly

If you are a Flames fan then congrats to you once. Not twice, not 13 times....

If you are a Canadiens fan then you suck because you like them, but hey, props to all the championships. Your Management doesnt suck like ours does, except for when you kicked Patrick Roy out of town....

Did you read today that the Leafs are worth $413 million. That is $48 million dollars richer than the New York Rangers in second place. Now if only we could spend it wisely...

Notice how everyone hates the Yankees cause they are the best?? Wow same thing for the Leafs
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PickupHockey Pro

537 Posts

Posted - 12/11/2007 :  21:23:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Guest 8023, That was an excellent post. I am beginning to wonder if all these people out there bashing the Leafs are afflicked with some kind of phobia or something. I am starting to think all this commotion over our team should be taken as a compliment because truth be known I believe they are just scared out of their wits that the Leaf Nation may once again rise up and capture the Cup which of course would undoubtedly render them all speechless. It is a really tough job being a real Leaf fan because you are combating with a lot of people who get to root for twenty-nine teams while we root for only one. Anyway, thanks on behalf of the Nation for your post. It was truly a breath of fresh air........Antroman.........
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PickupHockey Pro

538 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2007 :  00:04:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You know, I'm a leafs fan through and through, but I'll never be really hurt if someone slams them..They are the yankees of hockey; and how many people hate the Yankees? LOTS...I hate the Yankees, so I hear where you're coming from.

Sugar Ray over Hasek any day!
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PickupHockey All-Star

2816 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2007 :  13:06:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Enough with these forums, why would you even start a new one? The moderators probably have the hardest work with these anti-Leafs forums. It got old like 3 years ago. They suck, end of story. Please, for my sanity, stop this.

Habs get number 25 this year
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Posted - 12/13/2007 :  08:12:03  Reply with Quote
Guest 8023, you really need to stop with the "you suck cause you like this team", I made the mistake of threatening Antroman and I hope he accepts my apology. But please it does'nt matter what team wins the cup, because the best players are always canadian. There has only been 2 "american players to get over 500" and you know I can't even count how many times a canadian player has gotten over 500, The fact is simple hockey is a canadian game and the best players are always canadian so stop complaining and get on with your life.
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PickupHockey Pro

537 Posts

Posted - 12/13/2007 :  08:18:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey I Hate Crosby Guy - Please refrain from comparing the Leafs to the Yankees. The Yankees are hated because they are consistently competitive from year to year and have won many championships throughout their history. People are just simply jealous of them and react accordingly. I hate the Yankees very simply because I'm a Bluejay fan. I think I can speak for most of us Leaf fans in that we do not want our hockey team and the Yanks mentioned in the same sentence.

ALEX - I think you will find by removing The Leafs as a topic in this forum that the forum would soon shrink to at least half it's size. Weather you love 'em or hate 'em everybody has an opinion regarding the Leafs. By the way, you continually say "The Leafs Suck" in numerous posts of your own and this does absolutely nothing but attract profane posts which you profess to be against. I am not quite sure as to what your angle is by doing this and I am sure that you are well aware of The Leafs track record of late and that they are simply one of many teams trying to earn a playoff spot. They do not suck any more or any less than most of the other teams in the league who are also trying to do the same thing. This is as succinct as I can be in this regard.
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PickupHockey Pro

538 Posts

Posted - 12/13/2007 :  17:30:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Antroman

Hey I Hate Crosby Guy - Please refrain from comparing the Leafs to the Yankees. The Yankees are hated because they are consistently competitive from year to year and have won many championships throughout their history. People are just simply jealous of them and react accordingly. I hate the Yankees very simply because I'm a Bluejay fan. I think I can speak for most of us Leaf fans in that we do not want our hockey team and the Yanks mentioned in the same sentence.

And you are?

No most people hate the Yankee's because that's the first baseball team you hear about whenever you put on highlights (south of the boarder)..I take it you haven't been watching baseball for too long (nor following the leafs for too long), the Yankees were an absolute joke for a long stretch pre-1996...The leafs were previously owned(for an eternity) by a most unusual owner in Harold Ballard, much like the Yankees, who are owned by that freakshow, George Steinbrenner....and it goes on and on.

I think it was beans who said "if you're under 15 and post on here, do some research first"....Sorry if you're over 15, but ya.

Sugar Ray over Hasek any day!

Edited by - I HATE CROSBY on 12/13/2007 17:32:03
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PickupHockey Pro

537 Posts

Posted - 12/13/2007 :  22:23:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey, I Hate Crosby ........That was too funny right there! I am probably older than your Dad? I was merely making a personal statment on the Yankees and absolutely understand the hatred or the love people have for the "Damn Yankees". I used to like the Red Sox at one time, then it was the Expos when we finally got a Canadian team. But in 1977 when we got our own team, the Jays, I became and will remain a Bluejay fan as long as they or I exist. I am what most people would call "a homer". Leafs, Jays, Raptors and Tiger Cats and Bills (AFC) Giants (NFC). If you are wondering why I thought your post was so funny, I was born in '46.
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PickupHockey Pro

538 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2007 :  00:25:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Antroman

Hey, I Hate Crosby ........That was too funny right there! I am probably older than your Dad? I was merely making a personal statment on the Yankees and absolutely understand the hatred or the love people have for the "Damn Yankees". I used to like the Red Sox at one time, then it was the Expos when we finally got a Canadian team. But in 1977 when we got our own team, the Jays, I became and will remain a Bluejay fan as long as they or I exist. I am what most people would call "a homer". Leafs, Jays, Raptors and Tiger Cats and Bills (AFC) Giants (NFC). If you are wondering why I thought your post was so funny, I was born in '46.

Hahahaha, sorry about that bud.

Sugar Ray over Hasek any day!
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Posted - 12/14/2007 :  08:00:38  Reply with Quote
Hey Antroman, seriously about before on the other forum that was discussing the leafs I really did'nt mean to say that stuff to you and I hope you'll accept my apology. I did'nt really no my stuff, and your right, although I am not a leafs fan, they are not a bad team But I think I'm gunna stick with my oilers for now thankyou but really, I'm really sorry for threatening you like that it was completely uncalled for.
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Posted - 12/14/2007 :  10:19:51  Reply with Quote
You know, I'm a leafs fan through and through, but I'll never be really hurt if someone slams them..They are the yankees of hockey; and how many people hate the Yankees? LOTS...I hate the Yankees, so I hear where you're coming from.

Sugar Ray over Hasek any day!

well the yankees are the greatest sports team to ever play! 26 world series is more then anyother team has won anything in any sport.... and the leafs are simply the best hockey team to ever play! yah they haven't been great but there better then any p****y american team.... hockey is a canadian game no doubt about it and the more bettman tries to get the americans to try and watch the more money he's gonna lose the americans are intrested in 3 things baseball mcdonalds and apple pie... not hockey... and the only reason all these american teams win is because they have great canadian players on them... and the canadian teams have alright american players on there team and the odd good canadian player.... i don't play hockey i can hardly watch it i like baseball but when it comes time fore the playoffs im watching and this year the leafs will not only make the playoffs they will beat the sens they will beat who ever else and i will place a bet that they will sweep what ever team they play in the final
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Posted - 12/14/2007 :  10:24:31  Reply with Quote
With the 2007-2008 NHL season nearing the halfway point Canadian teams in Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver, Montreal, and Edmonton are playing for a playoff spot and the chance to contend for the Stanley Cup.

There is also a team in Toronto
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Bleeding Blue and White
Top Prospect

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Posted - 12/18/2007 :  08:51:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think that if the leafs can be top in the division they will have a good shot at making the playoffs.

~Long Live the Leafs~

Edited by - Bleeding Blue and White on 12/18/2007 08:52:38
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PickupHockey Veteran

2414 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2007 :  09:02:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bleeding Blue and White

I think that if the leafs can be top in the division they will have a good shot at making the playoffs.

If any team is at the top of their division they will be in the playoffs...

I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
- - Marshall McLuhan

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