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PickupHockey Pro

902 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2009 :  11:31:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Poll Question:
Does the NHL need to change anything regading it's stance on, or the rules as they are, regarding fighting, with all the negative press it is receving as of late?


No, leave it alone and let the chiclets fly!
Yes, the NHL should do the following;

PickupHockey Pro

902 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2009 :  11:49:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Personally, I think if the instigator rule was tossed and the league made the blatant WWE bodyslams illegal, fighting would be a non-issue, as the pre-meditated, and often meaningless, puck dropping square off, between each team's 4 minute per game knuckleheaads, would be moot, and by penalizing the blatant 'takedowns', the chances of head on ice incidents would be lessened.

Fighting as retribution for cheap play, during the play, keeps the game policed, not this crap that the NHL calls fighting now. I would much rather see Sean Avery get grabbed during the play and be beaten to a pulp by Georges Laraque(sorry, can't help but picture it), for something he said/did at the time, then have each team's tough guy line up six whistles later, ask about each other's wife and kids, then proceed to get into this,(play-by-play voice), "heated ballyhoo!! These guys really are going at it!!". contrived bit of emotionless scuffle.

I've got nothing at all against the role of an enforcer/tough guy, but he should at least be part of team, and not a 4 minute fill in.
How many of the deliberate takedowns, have been the cause of the injuries that are being seen lately? How easy would it be to call any of these types of plays 'intent to inure' with 5 and a game, with review of the incident to follow? The players would sort it out pretty quick methinks.

I've watched enough hockey fights to figure that most, not all, but most, of these guys know when they are done, and their dance partner knows it too. The need to to throw your opponent to the ice makes no sense to me....

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PickupHockey Pro

877 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2009 :  12:10:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah, the takedowns have got to go. There is no need to slam a guy into the ice, does nothing but cause injury and that is not the point of fighting. I definitely think there are too many guys who do not know how to fight in the NHL throwing down. Ever notice how the heavyweights like Laraque, Brashear, Orr, even a smaller guy like Witt never get hurt? Well a major injury anyways.

With the takedowns being taken out of the fight, then leaves a huge controversy for slips, it is entirely different when a player slips and when a players slams another player. If we punish players for takedowns, it will leave referees with another big decision to make because the fans of the team that guy that got slammed into the ice are going to want that penalty, while the opposing fans are going to call it a slip. So of course not everyone will be happy, no one ever is.

I do not think for one second we should take fighting out of the game, its too valuable to our fragile market and makes our sport one of a kind.
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1755 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2009 :  13:48:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I humbly feel that 3 things that need to change:

1) No more removing the helmet intentionally. If it comes off accidentally then fine. Add an extra two miniutes if they do remove it intentionally or if your opponent removes it intentionally. A broken finger is a lot better thana broken brain. Players should assume some risk in hockey and especially when fighting, but there is a high probability that you'll smak your mellon on the ice if you fall.

2) Tighter chin straps. Not so tight that they choke, but tight enough that they won't come completely off. Maybe the two finger rule.

3) Remove the Instigator rule. Let the true enforcers do their jobs.

Other than that, let don't change a thing.

On a slightly removed topic...people that say that fighting is the reason hockey is not considered a "big" sport are misguided I believe. It's not a big sport because most people can't skate....therefore they can't's foreign. To solve this you need to build more rinks and pump money into grass roots hockey - instead of big ads, or the removal of fighting from the pro game.
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122 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2009 :  20:07:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
most of the time there is takedowns is because people are either tired or scared, im not going to lie if im fighting a guy i know who can kick my but hands down im going to atleast exchange 1 or 2 then grab his arms and go for the takedown to alteast then it give the team alittle bit of a moral boost instead of watching your team mate get knocked out. You guys are absolutly right but when you name those fighters they are actual fighters most injuries come from those takedowns come from non fighters in the heat of the moment.
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PickupHockey Pro

297 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2009 :  20:36:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think that its the players choice to take off there own helmet, if they wanna do it, I say let em.

Takedowns I believe are a part of fighting, balance is a main factor in fighting and should stay that way. In a fight fans usually say that the first guy to go down loses and thats the way I see it, even if the other guy is getting the best of him.

I agree that the Instigator rule is dumb and the NHL has to definately do something about it.

Edited by - KariyaSelanne on 01/26/2009 20:37:02
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