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 And in this corner....Ooooooovechkin!!! Allow Anonymous Users Reply to This Topic...
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PickupHockey Pro

902 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2010 :  11:51:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So I'm watching through the highlights the other day, and I see the clip of the Ovechkin, Downie non-fight...

Here's the setup.

Ovechkin takes a run at Downie in a fairly routine play along the players bench, Downie, then, doing what he's paid to do, mucks it up with Ovie and they both go off for roughing minors.

After they are both let out of box, they muck and chat, at which point, they seperate and both WILLINGLY(Ovechkin maybe even first), drop not only the mitts, but the buckets as well.

They begin to square up, when faster than an speeding bullet, leaping over tall buildings in a single bound, comes Matt Bradley and begins molesting Downie. By the way, I think Bradley ended up getting the worst of it.

My question is such, Should Ovechkin be getting involved in this sort of stuff?

PS. Bradley got 27 minutes in penalties from this.

PickupHockey Veteran

2308 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2010 :  11:57:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I watched the game. It was getting brutal out there. I would have loved to see Downie drop Ovechkin. Finally a skill Ovie cant dominate. Hey if Ovechkin wants to be a Iginla type captain and inspire his team with physical play he better be prepared to drop them. If not your gonna see someone line him up, because thats the only way to exact revenge for his physical play and dangerous checking.
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Posted - 01/14/2010 :  12:15:21  Reply with Quote
Can't help but think that OV would have held his own in that fight. Downie would have been an alright person for him to go at to get a little more experience dropping the gloves. Would have been an alright 5 minutes to take anyways, would have pumped up his team big time either way and it gives him 5 minutes to sit back before he can come out and do what he does best
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Posted - 01/14/2010 :  12:22:48  Reply with Quote
If Ovechkin wants to get involved with that sort of thing, that's Ovechkin's choice.

The thing is Ovechkin is willing to drop the gloves, and given the fact that Ovechkin is 6'2 233 lbs vs. Downie at 6'0 200 lbs, I'm giving the edge in the fight to Ovechkin. The days of Russians being pansies is coming to an end. We have Kovalchuk who will throw down the gauntlet as well. Hell even Crosby fights.

Personally I'd have liked to have seen OV knock Downie into the middle of next week. Downie is far worse for the league than Ovechkin.
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PickupHockey Legend

6113 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2010 :  18:15:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Guest4052
The thing is Ovechkin is willing to drop the gloves, and given the fact that Ovechkin is 6'2 233 lbs vs. Downie at 6'0 200 lbs, I'm giving the edge in the fight to Ovechkin. The days of Russians being pansies is coming to an end. We have Kovalchuk who will throw down the gauntlet as well. Hell even Crosby fights.

Personally I'd have liked to have seen OV knock Downie into the middle of next week. Downie is far worse for the league than Ovechkin.

While i don't think it's fair to give the edge to Ovie on size, i don't think Downie would have killed him. Really, Ovie could have just hung on if he was in over his head or gone down, and he'd still have gained the respect of his team mates! When it comes to the bigger guy, he certainly doesn't always win.....ask those who've taken on Rypien in the past.

Edited by - Alex116 on 01/14/2010 18:17:43
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Posted - 01/14/2010 :  18:24:40  Reply with Quote
alex116 i cant take u seriously
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PickupHockey Legend

6113 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2010 :  18:33:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Guest6010

alex116 i cant take u seriously

Really? Care to explain why?
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Posted - 01/14/2010 :  20:26:10  Reply with Quote
ignorant to think Ovie can't fight. Why would a guy that size who throw the body not be able to fight and with a shot that he has. It all adds up to great balance strong upper body and strong hands to me Downie may have experience but ovie had every advantage possible in that fight and could have put that duster on the ground where he belongs
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PickupHockey Pro

525 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2010 :  21:25:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The days of Russians being pansies is coming to an end.
Shows how much you guys know about Russians. They weren't pansies. Of course, a lot of Russians over the years who have played in the NHL were not fighters, but Russians in general are very tough. They fought in different ways. Look up some sporting events in Russia. Soccer, and probably hockey, is dominated by extreme fans in Russia. In fact, you risk your life by going to a game and wearing the wrong jersey. Fans are part of gangs. So be happy that hasn't permeated hockey.

How about the bench (pardon me, TEAM CLEARING) brawl recently in the KHL? The fact is that Russians have always been fighters, just the players that came to the NHL weren't those guys. And, when Russians didn't fight hockey fights, they did it in worse ways: dirty plays with sticks (as in trips, hacks, slashes etc.)

Be happy that extreme fans and players are not part of the NHL.
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125 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2010 :  05:02:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think this thread went in the wrong direction. I am sure Ovie would have held his own as well, but that wasn't the question here. Should he have fought, and more importantly does his coach allow him to? My guess is Bradley and all the other tough guys on the team have probably been told to pre-empt any possible Ovechkin altercation. You would lose him off the ice for five minutes, but if he breaks a knuckle or gets a concussion (which happens when you take your helmet off), he could be lost for several weeks.

I admire his ability as a leader to get into the odd fight, but I am sure the Capitals management would rather he do his talking on the scoreboard.
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PickupHockey Legend

6113 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2010 :  09:15:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
statman... tough to say. We obviously don't know what the Caps staff has told Ovie or the team. I'd guess this.....they'd likely prefer he not risk the injuries you mention possible by getting invovled in this sort of thing. However, they prob understand that this is hockey and while not EVERY player fights at some point, most do. Maybe it's only once or twice, but most still get in a scrap here or there throughout their careers. I'm almost certain they'd have spoken to him if he did end up in that fight (or prob did anyway for trying) about not making a habit out of it. Let's face it, Calgary would prob prefer Iginla not risk these same injuries but they certainly haven't stopped him from the odd tussle?
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PickupHockey Veteran

1315 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2010 :  16:38:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Of course Capitals Coaching/Management Staff would prefer Ovechkin did not fight, that's why teams have tough guys.

But at the end of the day, in an altercation such as this, I believe only Ovechkin should be defending himself here. No interruptions.

This was clearly agreed to, by both parties, that they were going to fight. Yet Bradley still stuck his nose in there. Do I fault Bradley? Not at all. He's doing his job, that consists partially of protecting guys like Ovechkin from such harm. But at the end of the day, in a situation like this (both parties have talked it out, both agree, both are ready), let them go.

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Top Prospect

20 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2010 :  16:59:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I honestly kind of feel sorry for Ovie. He's a new captain, and is trying to get his team pumped, but then Bradley jumps in, undermining Ovie. As captain, he should be able to pick his fights and actually fight them himself. This is an embarrassment.
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Posted - 01/15/2010 :  17:13:33  Reply with Quote
If fighters and 4th liners are expected to score the odd goal, superstars should drop the gloves once in a while to support those guys. But if Ovechkin fights, the fighter in the other "corner" should be a similar type of player. (Iginla vs lecavalier is a good example)

I never played hockey but I played football on the O-line and D-line and it always pumped up the team when a smaller player like a cornerback got a big tackle or a runningback got a big block on a linebacker
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PickupHockey Pro

877 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  17:12:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by K73

I honestly kind of feel sorry for Ovie. He's a new captain, and is trying to get his team pumped, but then Bradley jumps in, undermining Ovie. As captain, he should be able to pick his fights and actually fight them himself. This is an embarrassment.

Yes I do see your point, but they aren't paying him 9 mill to drop the gloves. He is captain, but just because a player is captain doesn't mean he has to fight (See Lidstrom). Of course there is times when it will happen, that inevitable (mostly) but imagine if Ovie breaks his hand? George McPhee would take a stroke along with all of Washington's fans and organization. Ovechkin became captain because of what he does on the ice, and that is score goals; win games.

Honestly I think Ovie would have destroyed Downie and would destroy alot of players in the NHL. The guy is a mere 14 pounds lighter than Laraque. He can definitely hold his own, but at what cost? I think Bradley did the right thing 120%, let Ovechkin do the talking on the ice with the goal scoring and dangles. Leave the fights to the boys who are paid to do it.
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4809 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2010 :  09:38:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
K73 - I agree.
I honestly hope for Ovechkin's sake that after he game he took aside Bradley and told to NEVER do that again - if it looks like I really want to fight, let me go . . . don't show me up and make it look like I need protecting.

On management's side, obviously, it's a nightmare. You can't tell your franchise player what to do . . . or at best, you can gently hint at things. But, you obviously don't want him hurting those golden hands on some idiot's helmet . . . so what can you do? Stand by and watch, hope that he doesn't get hurt, and hope that it's just a one-off to prove his leadership, etc.

But there's not much anyone can do, save for a flying Matt Bradley . . . HEY! Maybe management pays Bradley extra on the side to save Ovechkin from ever fighting!

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
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Posted - 06/02/2011 :  15:14:36  Reply with Quote
i would like to have seen ovi drop him (which he would have)

and did you see hansons hit on ference
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