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PickupHockey Veteran

2312 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2010 :  11:29:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Poll Question:
Should Montreal Canadians forward Mike Cammalleri recieve a suspension for his two handed slash to the back of Islanders rookie Nino Niederreiter calf?



yes 5 games
yes 2 - 3 games
yes only 1 game

Edited by - willus3 on 10/09/2010 09:50:16

PickupHockey Veteran

2312 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2010 :  11:39:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
for those who either missed the hit or want to re watch it here is the youtube link and a link to the tsn article:

first the Hit that got Cammalleri all riled up

and now Cammalleri`s retailliation


Edited by - Pasty7 on 10/04/2010 11:41:18
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PickupHockey Veteran

1915 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2010 :  11:50:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
2-3 games.
It's pre season !! There is no need for that days before the regular season, nino is a rookie and is just getting used to playing in the NHL, and doesn't need to be getting slashed in the calf when he's trying to make the roster, it was just careless.
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PickupHockey Veteran

2312 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2010 :  11:50:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Personally i am a huge habs fan, and Cammalleri is by far one of my favorite players, that being said I believe Cammy should get 1 game you simply cannot slash another player or spear him the way Cammy did, granted i do Believe Nino embelished the slash (notice the delay before he went down) In Cammalleri`s defense though some people called it a Gutless play afterwards the only thing Gutless on this play was Nino Neiderreiter takeing a blinsided run at a Vetran half his size (very similiar to the Savard hit that is now Illegal) and then when the vetran challenged him multiple times to back up his actions he ran away,, Hits like that blindsided one will happen in a intense hard hitting game but if you take a run at a guy and he comes at you afterwards you cant skate away you have to defend you actions,,,

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143 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2010 :  12:14:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
should be 1-2 games
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PickupHockey Veteran

2312 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2010 :  15:31:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
verdict is in it is i thought it should be 1 game

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The Duke
PickupHockey Veteran

1239 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2010 :  16:01:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i think the topic should be more focused on the spear to the throat ....more so than the slash to the ankle.
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The Duke
PickupHockey Veteran

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Posted - 10/04/2010 :  16:07:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Pasty when you bring up this skating away topic i can`t help but think about the infamous Claude Lemieux, ( guy who made skating away his career ). As a habs fan back then, how did you feel every time Claude Lemieux turtled or skated away ?

I know how i felt but i`m not a habs fan.
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PickupHockey Veteran

2312 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2010 :  16:27:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Duke

Pasty when you bring up this skating away topic i can`t help but think about the infamous Claude Lemieux, ( guy who made skating away his career ). As a habs fan back then, how did you feel every time Claude Lemieux turtled or skated away ?

I know how i felt but i`m not a habs fan.

i have never had much respect for Lemieux. An effective hockey player yes,,, but if my kid plays the game like him,,, well i would stop taking my kid to hockey... you are 100% the spear and the slash are completely unacceptable espcially the spear ,, but i feel Cammalleri gave him ample oppurtunity to drop the gloves well before that,, and with cammy not being much of a fighter i would assume and being a good 6 inchs shorter Nino should have backed up his blindside hit

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PickupHockey Pro

640 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2010 :  16:54:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Fair suspension. Cammalleri is not known for goon tactics and I am sure that although he did spear the guy in the throat his intentions were more likely a spear somewhere else.
I think had this been a characteristic of Cammalleri or if he was a repeat offender then a longer suspension would have been given.
Of course, being a Leafs fan, Cammalleri should truly be suspended for every game the Habs play the Leafs
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( )

Posted - 10/04/2010 :  16:54:49  Reply with Quote
not to take anything away from the slash, nor the suspension...
it is what it is - and the suspension is warranted.

why is the league NOT looking at the blind-side elbow to cammy's head? it's exactly what the league has brought up to the forefront this year and exactly what they intend to gt rid of...
yet at the first opportunity to set the baseline for the upcoming season - they totally discard the illegal hit??
what a joke!!!
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PickupHockey Legend

6113 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2010 :  17:32:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
PorkChop, well said, except for the obvious humour at the end .

Slash was really embellished IMO, but the spear and the fact Cammy wouldn't let it go, and ultimately the slash, was indeed enough to warrant a minor suspension. I think a game is fair, however, i agree with the comment about the original hit by Niederreiter being reviewable/suspendable!
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4809 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2010 :  18:25:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
To me, it's seperate incidents in the whole affair, and the spear to the face (?!?) alone deserves a few games. I voted 5 games, and only because Cammalleri I understand doesn't have any history for this stuff . . . yet.

Of course, I realise I will be called a soft, lovey-dovey petunia for wanting the rules called correctly, and to enforce and promote "law-abiding" behaviour . . . but I knew Campbell would give a very soft suspension that surely has zero effect.

This is why it still happens on a regular basis . . . the behaviour is encouraged and looked upon as an "unfortunate mistake in judgement" as opposed to an illegal assault on a player. The guy could have lost an eye for crissakes!


"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
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8286 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2010 :  07:31:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The slash to the ankles, ok. Fine. One game to send a message.

The "spear" to the face??? Really?? Spear???

More like a love tap to the cheek. And I know, I know, he could have lost an eye. But you could also slip walking out of your house, fall down, hit your head on the cement and die.

Spear to the face, that's a good one. Can't wait until one of the golden boys in TO gets his stick a little bit too high. I'll swear it was an axe swinging motion intending to inflict certain death.
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PickupHockey Pro

640 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2010 :  13:16:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Beans15

The slash to the ankles, ok. Fine. One game to send a message.

The "spear" to the face??? Really?? Spear???

More like a love tap to the cheek. And I know, I know, he could have lost an eye. But you could also slip walking out of your house, fall down, hit your head on the cement and die.

Spear to the face, that's a good one. Can't wait until one of the golden boys in TO gets his stick a little bit too high. I'll swear it was an axe swinging motion intending to inflict certain death.

Beans, whether you like it or not, the motion Cammallei made with his stick is considered a spear in the NHL and was called a spear by the officials. I like how you tie it to the Leafs though.
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The Duke
PickupHockey Veteran

1239 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2010 :  14:47:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Beans while at home and falling and hitting your head on cement has nothing to do with work. I love rough, physical hockey and the fighting too, but the ice is these players work place and rules are put into place to protect these players while in their work place. AND it WAS a spear, to the throat.

How would you feel if this was your own son`s first pre-season and some veteran player did this to him and maybe ruined his vision for life, thus ending his playing career in the process ?

If Camm. had a problem with the hit, drop the gloves and fight, don`t fight with your stick. Couple smacks in the face never hurt any1...))

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The Duke
PickupHockey Veteran

1239 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2010 :  15:02:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Pasty i was going to touch on the fact that now-a-days with more seemingly smaller / skilled players coming into the league then there were in the 80`s - 90`s perhaps, these players have to protect themselves.

The size difference in the NHL now seems enormous. I know players are mostly bigger and stronger than ever but it seems more slightly built players are coming back too. Must be tough being 5` 10``...170 lbs going against someone 6`4``...240 lbs.

Remove the instigator rule and leave it the way it was. Some1 is always trying to change the game. Don`t see people trying to change the NFL as they do in the NHL.
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8286 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2010 :  15:11:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Duke, just because you say something like "AND it WAS a spear" does not make you right. Although you might (and other may agree) that you are right, there are also others that would say you are wrong. I am definitely one of those people say you are wrong. Your capitalization of words does not make you are more or less correct.

The infraction was a high stick, not spearing. Any action of a players stick being carried higher than his opponents shoulders is considered high sticking. Any situation where a player or goalkeeper attempts to or deliberately injures an opponent while carrying or holding any part of his stick above the shoulders of the opponent, the Referee shall assess a match penalty to the offending player.

By definition, it is high sticking not spearing and I don't need to capitalize it to state the rule.

Secondly, if it was my kid out there, firstly I would insist he wore a visor. Secondly, if my kid was highsticked to the face, I would expect him (and his team mates) to take care of business prior to the ref getting involved or that players having a chance to slash the back of my son's skates.

In the end, the tap to the lips should have instigated something from the opposition and ultimately, we have all watched significantly more intense infractions occur that held far less consequence.

The one game suspension is more than adaquate in this situation. One also have to remember that we are talking about a player who has never been suspended before nor has he even had a season with more than 50 PIMS.
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PickupHockey Pro

525 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2010 :  16:26:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I kind of like what Bob McKenzie said on OTR - Camalleri was playing old school hockey - payback with the stick.

Honestly, Cami was teaching the kid a lesson. I didn't like the stick going high - no matter the intent or force, a high stick is always dangerous.

What I don't understand is why Cami slashed the rookie. He should have just pulled the skates from under him. Then he only would have gotten a 2min tripping penalty, not a 1gm suspension.

Making the rookie land on the ice would have been way more embarrassing than a slash to the ankles.

The rookie needed a lesson, and since Cami wasn't a fighter, that's how he taught him.

Edited by - polishexpress on 10/05/2010 16:28:27
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PickupHockey Veteran

2312 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2010 :  21:42:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I obviously can't read Cammalleri's mind but from what i saw as i said before Cammalleri wanted to go and Nino didn't drop,,, i think Cammy gave him more than one oppurtunity to learn his lesson the right way and the kid backed down,, hence he got a bruised calf to remind him you don't blinside a player or hit to the head. The kid deserved it and Cammy deserved his game suspension, Duke you said he should have fought him and you are right but i don't think anyone can argue Cammy didn't give him a chance to drop!

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PickupHockey Pro

640 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2010 :  02:15:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Beans15
The infraction was a high stick, not spearing. Any action of a players stick being carried higher than his opponents shoulders is considered high sticking. Any situation where a player or goalkeeper attempts to or deliberately injures an opponent while carrying or holding any part of his stick above the shoulders of the opponent, the Referee shall assess a match penalty to the offending player.

By definition, it is high sticking not spearing and I don't need to capitalize it to state the rule.

Perhaps you did not read far enough into the rule book Beans.

Here is the NHL rule for spearing
"62.1 Spearing - Spearing shall mean stabbing an opponent with the point of the stick blade, whether contact is made or not"

Cammalleri made a motion with the point of the stick blade to his opponents head. This cannot be disputed.

It clearly is the more important call to make then high sticking.

Edited by - Porkchop73 on 10/06/2010 02:16:29
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4809 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2010 :  07:08:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
And to add to what Porkchop said, just because the ref didn't call it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

A spear is a spear is a spear. High sticking does not specifically include a stabbing/poking motion towards a player, and VERY CLEARLY (I am using capitals here for emphasis, not to prove my point Beans 0 that is what capitalisation is mostly used for in internet discussion, btw) you can see stabbing motion.

It is disappointing AS ALWAYS for me to see refs, Colin Campbell, and tv "kiss-butt" pundits glossing over the simple fact that it was a spear.

They try to couch it in phrases like "payback", or "old-time hockey" to justify what is clearly a very illegal and dangerous thing to do . . . there is just no way around it. It wasn't accidental or careless use of the stick; Cammalleri clearly uses his stick with the intention of jabbing the player in the face here.

What kind of person, never mind player, does that?

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
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8286 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2010 :  07:29:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Gents, let's get technical for a second.

If I "stab" my stick towards a players skates and trip them, it is spearing??? No, it's triping. There is one call on any infraction. There is no such things as a "spearing high stick" nor is there a "spearing trip".

The simple fact that is escaping people is the explaination of high sticking:

60.2 Minor Penalty - Any contact made by a stick on an opponent above the shoulders is prohibited and a minor penalty shall be imposed.

60.3 Double-minor Penalty - When a player or goalkeeper carries or holds any part of his stick above the shoulders of the opponent so that injury results, the Referee shall assess a double-minor penalty for all contact that causes an injury, whether accidental or careless, in the opinion of the Referee.

60.4 Match Penalty – When, in the opinion of the Referee, a player or goalkeeper attempts to or deliberately injures an opponent while carrying or holding any part of his stick above the shoulders of the opponent, the Referee shall assess a match penalty to the offending player.

I bolded it for everyone to clearly see. It does not say, "unless there is a stabbing motion" or anything else. High sticking encompasses any and all stick contact above the opponents shoulders.

Granted, the definition of spearing does not state, 'unless the stick contacts above the shoulders" however, in a quick poll, how many people have ever watched a spearing, slashing, hooking, or any other stick infraction be called when the stick hits the face/head???

I never have, it is always high sticking.

Slozo. Thanks for the lesson on Capitalization. I guess I am such a moron that I can't tell the difference between someone making an emphasis and someone trying to make an opinion into a fact. I am a richer man for having this understanding.

Edited by - Beans15 on 10/06/2010 07:32:27
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4809 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2010 :  07:47:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
No problem Beans, glad you are richer for the added knowledge. Maybe you can think about it if you happen to go triping today!

I actually laughed at you posting the definition of high sticking . . . it would be funnier, if it weren't so ridiculously frustrating.

I am talking about S P E A R I N G . Yes, Cammalleri did a high stick infraction that happened to ALSO be a spear . . . except the spear was not called.

Give us the definition of spearing, watch the youtube clip, and let me know how exactly you can twist words and phrases to fit some "old time hockey" notion that this was not a spear.

Go ahead and try.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
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PickupHockey Pro

902 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2010 :  10:34:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wow, another epic rhetorical battle, that totally neglects the topic at hand , sure makes for entertaining reading though!

Spearing, high-sticking, the non-call is moot, as it stands, and either call could have been acceptable, as the rules posted can be argued either way. Was there a deliberate motion, regardless of contact? Yes. Was it high-sticking? Most definately. Does it matter as from what I understand, the suspension was due to the deliberate slash? No.

The entire sequence, from Cammalleri's actions, should be be construed as intent to injure, and a realistic penalty/suspension, levied.

Is one game enough? I don't think so, but at least the message was sent.

In my opinion, the hit that instigated all the kerfluffle, was shoulder on shoulder and far from damaging. There was no elbow, there was no shot to the head, there was nothing wrong except a momentary diva-like reaction from a player not known for that type of play. Smart play on the part of Niederreiter, to ignore the nonsense that Cammalleri started after that.

Why should the kid fight and remove himself from the game for 5 minutes? He threw a clean check. Cammalleri got caught, twice, once with the check, and the other with the antics afterwards. I hope he learned from it.

Some say a rookie should have more respect for a veteran player, I didn't see the rookie looking like the fool, I saw the veteran.
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PickupHockey Pro

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Posted - 10/06/2010 :  15:27:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You are stretching a bit there to make your point Beans. No one is disputing the stick was over the shoulders but it was still a spear. A spear carries a heavier penalty because of the intent to injure and must be called a spear when the definition is met. If it was a high stick to the head without the point of the blade then the call is high sticking or an "Axe like motion with the intent of certain death" if it happens in TO and you are an avid Leaf hater.
The suspension was given because of the sequence of events was intent to injure. This included the SPEAR (am I allowed to capitalize there) which was above the shoulders but a SPEAR all the same. I guess I am saying a SPEAR is still a SPEAR no matter where it is intended.
You are perfectly right Fat Elvis, the hit was clean and although I like Cammalleri he sure did look the part of a FOOL for this.

I am not sure I used the proper capitalization in this post.

Edited by - Porkchop73 on 10/06/2010 15:39:03
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The Duke
PickupHockey Veteran

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Posted - 10/06/2010 :  16:06:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Beans, one question i would like you to answer. Leave out the call, what should have been called, what the referee didn`t call...etc... in your opinion, did camm. make a forward, thrusting motion with his sticks blade toward the rookies face ?
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8286 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2010 :  17:50:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You guy are completely missing the point.

High sticking is any play where a stick makes contact above the opponents shoulders. That means any slashing motion, any jabbing motion, any poking motion, any swiping motion.

Any contact in any way shape or form where the stick makes contact with the opponent over the shoulder is high sticking.


Spearing carries not more weight than high sticking. Each have a criteria for a minor, major, and match penalty.

The call what high sticking, regardless of the motion and regardless how funny you may thing the definition is. The definition I posted is directly out of the NHL rule book.

Now, I agree that the infraction based one definition can easily be confused with spearing and the motion was a spearing motion. However, it is not possible for a ref to call a spearing penalty to the face as the infraction above the shoulder is high sticking.

There is no such thing as a dual infraction. You can not have a spearing high stick.

Edited by - Beans15 on 10/06/2010 18:32:13
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PickupHockey Veteran

2312 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2010 :  22:07:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by fat_elvis_rocked

Wow, another epic rhetorical battle, that totally neglects the topic at hand , sure makes for entertaining reading though!

Spearing, high-sticking, the non-call is moot, as it stands, and either call could have been acceptable, as the rules posted can be argued either way. Was there a deliberate motion, regardless of contact? Yes. Was it high-sticking? Most definately. Does it matter as from what I understand, the suspension was due to the deliberate slash? No.

The entire sequence, from Cammalleri's actions, should be be construed as intent to injure, and a realistic penalty/suspension, levied.

Is one game enough? I don't think so, but at least the message was sent.

In my opinion, the hit that instigated all the kerfluffle, was shoulder on shoulder and far from damaging. There was no elbow, there was no shot to the head, there was nothing wrong except a momentary diva-like reaction from a player not known for that type of play. Smart play on the part of Niederreiter, to ignore the nonsense that Cammalleri started after that.

Why should the kid fight and remove himself from the game for 5 minutes? He threw a clean check. Cammalleri got caught, twice, once with the check, and the other with the antics afterwards. I hope he learned from it.

Some say a rookie should have more respect for a veteran player, I didn't see the rookie looking like the fool, I saw the veteran.

last year Fat Elvis that was a clean check ,, this year with the new rules, due to two players one playing for the Bruins the other for the Panthers being taken out with severe injury due to identical of checks. No way you can argue that this check is not the same as what Richards did to Booth and Cook to Savard. The only difference being Cammalleri saw him at the last minute and avoided the hit to an extent. My point being with good reason the blindside hit is now illegal,, Neiderreiter should have got a broken nose for that attempt to hit Cammalleri from the blindside instead he got a bruised calf, he earned it! Don't forget their are talks of Savard never playing again due to this kind of hit,,, did you take booth in the first 3 rounds of your hockey pool (probably not) why because he was on pace to be a star and now this hit leaves a ton of question marks about his health, Personnaly i understand completly the reaction of Cammalleri when you see what hits like this have done to two very similar players just last year!


Edited by - Pasty7 on 10/07/2010 04:24:45
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PickupHockey Pro

640 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2010 :  03:19:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
OK Beans lets make this simple, because you are missing the point and I sure hope you do not referee a hockey game anywhere.

Did Cammalleri stab at his opponent with the point of the blade of his stick?

Simple Yes or No answer will do.
It does not matter where he did it, in the ankle, the thigh, the jock strap, the gut, the shoulder, in between the shoulder blades, or in the head.

Spearing "carries not more weight" then highsticking but as I said it "carries a heavier penalty". It is an automatic double minor when contact is not made, a major when a spear makes contact, and a match when there is an injury. Rule of thumb with referees is if the player cannot continue the shift then an injury has occured and the match penalty is given.
By comparison you can get a only minor penalty with a high stick when no injury has occured. This means a cut anywhere as result of the highstick will get you a double minor.

Big difference in the penalty.

You are right, they will not call the spear/highstick penalty, the call should have been a double minor penalty for spearing (it did not look like contact was made) and a major for slashing which carries an automatic game misconduct. That certainly could have been called under NHL rules. You cannot get a "dual infraction", but two penalties by one player can be called on the same play.

Hence when reviewed and 3 hrs after the game when ol' Colin Campbell called, Cammarelli recieved a deserved 1 game suspension.
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8286 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2010 :  09:42:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Still, people missing the point.

An NHL referee simply can not call a spearing penalty when the stick makes contact above the shoulders. By defintion,


contact above the shoulders is high sticking.

Not unlike slashing, hooking, or any other stick infraction. Once it is above the shoulders no other penalty can be called.
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PickupHockey Pro

902 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2010 :  10:15:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So far Pasty, and I'll admit I can do more researching, all I've seen regarding the blindside hit rule change, is blindside hits targeted at the head.

Another example of perception, but I saw no head contact, I saw, essentially, shoulder on shoulder, taking the height difference into consideration. There was no head contact, making it, as far as I have been able to discern, a legal hit.

I ask with sincerity, if there is a specific rule, stating other than blindside hits to the head, I will indeed graciously concede to your stance. If "The only difference being Cammalleri saw him at the last minute and avoided the hit to an extent.", is indeed the case, it makes it tough to argue it was even a blindside hit I would think, as every successful hit is somewhat blindsided if the hitee never sees it coming, for whatever reason.

This is a totally different situation than the Booth or Savard hits, those were vicious, malevolent checks, thrown with intent, even though still within the old rule, right or wrong, This was an intended separation of player from puck,

It was Cammalleri who opted for separation of head from shoulders, or lower leg from knee....

He deserved the slash? He should have gotten a broken nose?

I would hope for a better judgement than that from someone with your hockey knowledge. Condoning that sort of thought means, Bertuzzi was not wrong, or Simon really deserved to slash Hollweg in the face, etc. etc. etc.

PS. Sorry Beans, when I refer to Simon 'slashing', Hollweg in the face, I'm not implying the infraction wasn't high sticking

Edited by - fat_elvis_rocked on 10/07/2010 10:20:16
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( )

Posted - 10/07/2010 :  14:20:55  Reply with Quote
I have a few points to make on the subject if I may.

The technicality of whether its high sticking or spearing or anything else isn't really the crux of the matter. Its whether the league should do something in light of what Cammalleri did. At first I though for sure, I dont like the unnecessary two hand or waive the stick in a players face. But one game is about right in my estimation. It's not nothing, but there probably wasnt that serious of a risk of great harm there.

It also made me think that if Cammalleri had of turned around fought him and broke his cheek bone he probably would have got 5 mins and maybe an extra 2 for instigating. I know fighting is a more accepted element of hockey, but thinking about that out loud seems odd to me.

Finally, the idea that any and all stick infractions above the shoulder are called highsticking seems incorrect to me. Surely Dino Ciccarelli didnt go to jail for High-sticking... I ask was McSorely called for highsticking on the Braeshaer play (I'm not sure) or dave brown when he crosschecked sandstrom and broke his jaw... surely thats crosschecking and not highsticking... but as I said above that debate kinda misses the point in my opinion. I admit I may well be wrong, just seems wrong to me.
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PickupHockey Pro

640 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2010 :  14:22:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Beans, just finished talking with Colin Campbell, he says since you know more about the rules then actual NHL referees he has job for you providing clarification for the entire NHL rulebook.!!!!
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PickupHockey Veteran

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Posted - 10/07/2010 :  14:29:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You are right Fat Elvis deserves a Broken nose was a poor choice of words , what i meant by that he should have dropped the gloves when Cammalleri confronted him, I feel this was a very dangerous hit regardless of the rules but i will conceed I can understand your opinion. But if you are going to run a vet with a "questionable hit" you better be ready to back it up.

Now this is strictly rumour but i have herd from a fairly reliable source who played in the pre season with the habs (not in that game). This player told me Nino Neiderrieter had purposly spit on Cammalleri behind the play and that was the cause for Cammalleri to lose his head. Again don't jump all over me I know this player in passing having played hockey together when we were younger and being close friends with some of his close friends. But this is entirly possible given Cammy's out of character reaction,,,

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8286 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2010 :  14:48:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It was incredibly out of character, hence the lighter suspection. Don't get me wrong. I am one of those "throw the book at 'em" kind of people but you gotta throw the book at the right people too.

If this was Avery, Boogaard, Brasher, Ruttu, Burrows, Kesler, any Canuck, any Flame, any Leaf then it absolutely should have been a more stiff penalty.

One game for a love tap and a slash by a player who really is a saint??

Good 'enough. Let's move on to some hockey.

Watch for me at the Oilers home opener tonight. I will be the one with the Oilers Jersey on.
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PickupHockey Pro

902 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2010 :  15:04:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I appreciate your gracious rebuttal Pasty, and I understand your passion for the perceived wrong, and if the videos supplied showed anything to support your stance, again, I would gladly concede to the wrong, but, , as I go back and look at the videos supplied by yourself, it not only strengthens my convictions, but makes Cammalleri look more the buffoon as I scrutinize them further, I'll try and explain.

In the first video, I see, and I am by no means a video expert, only saying what I see, Cammalleri carrying the puck, doing some fancy arse dangle/drop pass to the teammate coming up to his right, which I'm sure would have looked good on the highlight reel, except he left himself exposed and in an awkward position. I then see Niedereiter, come up beside Cammalleri, and check him, in an upward motion, starting in at least a shoulder to shoulder position, and following through upwards successfully throwing Cammalleri off balance and to the ice. All clean and legal, and a good check,in my opinion. I think, once viewed enough, this becomes apparent. Not taking a run, not taking a head shot, not a late hit, nothing other than a clean check to separate player from puck.

I can't speak for what happens between that sequence and the next and if that is where the incident you hear about happens, I can only take your word for it, I can only judge on what is there as video evidence that you provided. As in any court, hearsay is still hearsay.

In the second video, I see Niederreiter, playing the puck along the boards, and then Cammalleri comes in to check, probably guilty of a combination of elbowing, roughing, high-sticking, but as Beans kindly pointed out, only one infraction per contact .

I then see him stand there, calling Niederreiter out?, yet looking in no position to drop his mitts, and yet with a firm grip on his lumber, as evidenced in the next events. I see Niederreiter shove Cammalleri away, with yes, what could be called a vicious cross-check(I embellish for your sake), to which Cammalleri, instead of dropping said mitts and going at Niederreiter, decides to instead attempt to high-stick(for you Beans), him in the face, and back away as fast as his little size 5 skates allow him.

Niederreiter looks to the ref, and unbelievably, there is no penalty being called, so he tries to go after the play. Cammalleri, instead of realizing he got away with one, decides to pursue Niederrieter and physically interfere(another infraction)with Niederreter, and when that doesn't scare the bejesus out him, he decides to go for the ever popular slash from behind, once Niederreiter is fully turned away from him.

Kind of makes a one game suspension seem light now, doesn't it?

Again, I respect your opinion and am no way belittling it, only defending mine.

Edited by - fat_elvis_rocked on 10/07/2010 16:43:59
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PickupHockey Pro

902 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2010 :  15:09:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Beans15

"If this was Avery, Boogaard, Brasher, Ruttu, Burrows, Kesler, any Canuck, any Flame, any Leaf then it absolutely should have been a more stiff penalty. "

As Jeff Dunham's "Sweet Daddy Dee'' would say, "That's some funny sh*t!"

PS. something I remembered from a year or so ago....


Edited by - fat_elvis_rocked on 10/07/2010 15:24:58
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PickupHockey Pro

640 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2010 :  15:30:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Elvis, good video evidence that Cammalleri is not a saint.

I was wondering since the contact was made above the opponents shoulder what would be penalty call for the infraction in this video

Edited by - Porkchop73 on 10/07/2010 15:31:06
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PickupHockey All-Star

3670 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2010 :  16:45:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
when I first saw the replay, I thought for sure the infraction everyone was talking about was the stick in the face gesture - how is raising the stick above your shoulders and poking it in the face/neck of another player not a multi-game suspension?

If that had been someone like Matt Cooke spearing the face of his opponent, there would have been more than one game. I say Cammarelli got off light with this one.
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4809 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2010 :  20:24:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Fat Elvis - I hope that if I am ever in trouble with the law, that you are not lead prosecutor . . . excellent breakdown, and I completely agree.

Which is why i would have given 5 games.

If properly policed by the referees (who would obviously have to be backed solidly by Campbell et al), these vicous spearing incidents, and other stupid behaviours, would be very rare indeed. Instead, with a one game suspension, it almost seems like condoning it.

"Take off, eh?" - Bob and Doug
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